Thursday, February 8, 2018

WHAT's the meaning of the FIRST LETTER in your/their name or  your/their INITIAL NAME?

This is my experience ,in my life...
I am sorry, believe it or not, depends on you! hehehe..., please don't be angry with my statements.., okay...
Thank youu...for your understanding....and your attention my nice and lovely person..

My name is Rosa Lelyana, this writing is my experience!!!

What is your first letter in your name? And how about your characters? Is there a relationship between your first letter in your name and your characters? ...Hehhehe...just for kidding...but if you believe it..., it's okay.., no problem... Maybe it gives benefits in your life... Wallahualam bs... But please only believe in Allah... I am only a human...,and just kidding..., okay... Barokallohu..

If they have the first letter with this letter , the meaning of their characters are :

A = They want to be the number one FOR EVERYTHING! You will get nothing if you close to her/him. Avoid them arround you..., if you want to be a succeed person. They will make you feel like nothing in this world, but they don't realize it. So please becareful..with them..
B= Nice person
S= Very very hard person and difficult person, want to push you for everything as like as what they want, no matter you will like it or not, he/she wouldn't care and wouldn't understand you because they are so egoistic person!Deadly person! looking so nice...but actually...not..!
They always want something from you..
If you give money, I will give you like what you want..., oriented person !money! money always be in their mind!
R = Very tolerant person and nice person, but if you make her/him feel so discomfort, they will go away from you, sooner or latter..
So serious person, too...
H= Have many fans arround him/her, nice person but sometimes deadly person, too...,so please...becareful with them.Not so serious person, so ignore what they talked about because they only want you have so guilty feeling.They are so attractive person, and need your attention...
Bahasa gaul in Indonesia, TP --- TP ---hahaha tebar pesona...dan caper/cari perhatian...!!!Mereka orang yang haus perhatian dari lawan jenis....,hmmm..., nggak percaya, yaudah! coba aja kamu deket dengan orang model gitu..., ntar kan kelihatan aslinya....
I = Egoist person but looks so nice person and stable mind.They always think about what they want. Nothing important in this world, only what they want. You will get something from them, if you close to them and nice to them. Consistent person. No need worry with them as like as you always be a good man/woman for them.
J= Nice person, good person
L= Friendly person, have many fans, but he/she will keep in touch with you all of their time and no need worry for closing with him/her, loyal person..,but sometimes unstable person, depends on you
T= Deadly person with all of what they talked about. Ini juga berlaku bagi orang yang punya nama tengah ada T nya, ntar kamu bisa merasakan bahwa kata2nya bikin kamu kaget, dan terkaget2 bahkan nyengak banget! Bikin kamu mau bunuh diri..hahaha..., makanya ati2 deket orang yang punya nama tengah bahkan depan berhuruf T! Nggak percaya,? ginii... coba rasakan dan bedakan dengan orang yang nggak punya huruf T! Lebih seger mana, walau mungkin sama2 nyengak..., tapi pasti lebih kethus dan bikin kamu stres setengah mati bila denger orang pemilik huruf T bicara! Apalagi kalau huruf T nya lebih dari 1 (satu)..., naah...itu tambah...bikin atimu tambah tersungging kalau deket dia...

P= Hardly person.
G= Consistent but hardly person.
M= So seriously person, very very serious person.
N= Nice, good person.
V= Nice person
E=Unconsistence person,unstable, sometimes..error person,  looking so good and so nice, but please... becareful with them, too...
You will feel so confuse with what they want because they are so strange person, mysterious person..., sometimes so introvert, sometimes not, but the important thing..., you will feel so confuse with what they want.., sometimes deadly person, too
Have many fans, too
Bikin mumet intinya, maaf yaa..., plin plan...juga!Kelihatannya baiiik..., maniiis..., so nice...tapiii itu luarnya doang..., dalemnya...jangan ngarep deeh..., pokoknya ati2..., bismillah aja.!

W = Good and wise person
O = o is a circle letter.., right? means that the people which has O letter especially in their first name will always look around you and or around their life..., they will search for something arround their life..
Actually they are not people who have high concentration and good concentration because they will look around their life and around you...and they always look for something that good for them...
So, please becareful with this person..,
Hmm...,They have many fans , too...because of their character that I have written in this sentence..
O yeah, they are nice people, too..

Note : I am sorry ..,it's only my opinion..., I got it from my experience...

Maaf, yaa..., saya suka perhatikan orang sejak SD, dulunya siih pernah kepingin jadi psikolog bahkan psikiater...karena saya suka banget empathi dengan perasaan orang..., jadi dari wajahnya saja bisa tampak sifat aslinya..., makanya hati2 bicara ma saya..., karena...wajah dan sikapmu menunjukkan kok..., dan saya tidak asal percaya dengan kata2...
Saya paham, orang yang kurang jujur dan jujur itu tampak dari wajah dan gerak-gerik...
Orang yang plin plan juga paham..., InsyaAllah...
Orang yang hobi cengengesan dan nggak serius juga paham...
Orang yang pinter beneran dan cuma tampak pinter juga kelihatan dan saya bisa ngrasa..., kalau orang lain InsyaAllah bisa ditipu, kalau saya Alhamdulillah semoga tidak bisa ditipu.., InsyaAllah. Aamiin YRA
Orang yang sebenarnya ...(maaf)..."empty brain" aku juga mudheng...
Saya bukan peramal, hanya niteni saja... tipe2 orang..., wajah..., gerak nama2..., ndilalahnya...kok ada kemiripan...
Note : Jangan dicopy ya..., saya tidak suka copy mengcopy..., kalau minum kopi...ya itu beda lagi...

Okay..., thank youu...and sorry...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Happy Merry Christhmas for youu my fam in UK, Charles my dad and Harry William and all of my family there..., I really love youu always all the time...

Dokter Rosa Lelyana MSi Med SKed PhD Nutrition and Medicine Lecturer from Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro/Undip Semarang, Jawa T...