Saturday, January 27, 2018

Healthy Food.., I have cooked all of these for you...

Healthy food will make you have a smart brain
Healthy food will make you feel so happy whatever something happened to you..
Green Vegetables...
Red Vegetables..

This healthy food will reduce your fat from your body...,InsyaAllah. Aamiin YRA

Colorfull vegetables.., red and green vegetables...will boost your immune system..

Waouww so amazing...
So colorfull, right?
Could you imagine it for your dinner or your lunch..?
Yess.., you can make it by yourself...
Yess, I have cooked it for you...
Hehe..please eat it for getting your good benefit...
Please cook it everyday...
Eat this kind of food everyday for your healthy days...
This kind of food will avoid you from chronic disease..
InsyaAllah you will get a lean body..., slim body..., good looking...
This kind of food will avoid you from obesity.., cardiovascular disease ...and the others..

Please avoid your fast food or junk food..
Hmm.., too much dairy food...
Don't to much fat in your food...
YEs, it looks like so delicious..., but you will get many diseases and health problems...if you won't change your life style...
Please.., reduce your fat in your cooking...
Add many vegetables and fruits in your colorful your nice days..
InsyaAllah you won't get many diseases...
Aamiin YRA
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Bismillah, Ramadan Kareem 2024, Hope Barokallohu. Aamiin YRA

Dokter Rosa Lelyana MSi Med SKed PhD Nutrition and Medicine Lecturer from Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro/Undip Semarang, Jawa T...