Saturday, May 6, 2017


To be a good leader you must have experiences.
Not only have the highest education.
The highest education has no relationship with leadership skills.

Age and experience determine your ability to lead.

Age relates to the ability to lead oneself independent of others.
Mature age, at least more than 40 years old and have experiences determine your ability to lead.
Age relates with maturity lead his/herself and determines the best for his/herself independent of others.

Previous work experiences determine the ability and courage in making decisions independently of others.
Education is very important, but education will have no meaning without experiences.

High education or good education doesn't mean good leadership.

So, the highest education, immature age and no work experience.. have no relationship with the ability to lead others.


Education is very important. But, without experiences, you will have nothing for the world.
 **Be a positive thinking person**

Happy Merry Christhmas for youu my fam in UK, Charles my dad and Harry William and all of my family there..., I really love youu always all the time...

Dokter Rosa Lelyana MSi Med SKed PhD Nutrition and Medicine Lecturer from Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro/Undip Semarang, Jawa T...