Just do it...
Just do it whatever you want..
Just do it whatever you need..
JUst do it anything you want to do..
You have to do everything you want to do..
No cancellation..
No limitation..
No worry..for everything you want it..
So pleaseee..., just do it..
Do it all you want to do and all you have to do..
No time for permission and for saying NO..
Just do it and just do it...
Okay, what do you think?
You want to cancel to do something you have to do?
Hmmm....please consider it carefully..
Thank you for your attention..
See you..
Have a good time ... and beautiful days for you...
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Dokter Rosa Lelyana MSi Med SKed PhD or Rosa Lelyana Soebowo loves for reading /writing/ doing & paying attention to interesting things, listening and playing the music, etc She was born in Solo,Central Java, Indonesia in early June ***Researcher & Lecturer in University NOTE: all of photos in these Rosa Lelyana's blog are my private files!
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Monday, May 22, 2017
Good morniiing...
Love Harbor and Fruits
Who is your love harbor?
What's the meaning of love harbor?
Do you understand about that..?
Love harbor..
Something so beautiful...you couldn't imagine..
So how about you?
Have you find your love harbor?
May Allah give a hint who is your love harbor..
O yeahhh...
By the way, how about these fruits?
They aren't your love harbor, right?
But, please don't forget to eat all of these fruits for getting your healthy body?
Do you agree?
Okay, thank you very much for your attention..
Please, apologize my mistakes...
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Love Harbor and Fruits
Who is your love harbor?
What's the meaning of love harbor?
Do you understand about that..?
Love harbor..
Something so beautiful...you couldn't imagine..
So how about you?
Have you find your love harbor?
May Allah give a hint who is your love harbor..
O yeahhh...
By the way, how about these fruits?
They aren't your love harbor, right?
But, please don't forget to eat all of these fruits for getting your healthy body?
Do you agree?
Okay, thank you very much for your attention..
Please, apologize my mistakes...
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Bagaimana rasanya tidak dipahami?
Ketika kamu tidak dipahami, bagaimana rasanya?
Ketika kamu dipahami, bagaimana rasanya?
Ketika kamu memahami, bagaimana rasanya?
Ketika kamu tidak dipahami, kamu akan bingung dan bingung...
Kemana harus bertanya dan kemana harus melangkah..
Kamu tidak jelas dan sulit mengerti atas semua ini...
Mengapa begini? mengapa begitu?
Mengapa tidak paham seharusnya begitu dan justru begini?
Kenapa orang bisa demikian terhadapmu?
Kenapa orang bisa melakukan ini kepadamu?
Kamu bingung dan bingung...
Kita terus bingung tanpa tahu bagaimana mengurai dan mengungkapkan semua ini..
Diuraikan dan diungkapkanpun ternyata banyak yang tidak paham.., banyak yang merasa aneh..
Kenapa kok berpikir begitu? Kenapa kok berpikir begini?
Kenapa kok tidak yang ini saja? Kenapa kok yang itu?
Kenapa kok begini? Kenapa kok begitu?
Menyesakkan bukan? menyesakkan dada..
Begitu banyak pikiran dan hal yang sulit dimengerti..
Tanpa ada pemahaman atau yang memahami..
atau bahkan mungkin pura-pura paham namun sejujurnya tidak paham...
Ketidakpercayaan? atau ya ketidakpercayaan?
Mungkin itu penyebabnya?
lalu mengapa ada ketidakpercayaan? apa penyebabnya terjadi ketidakpercayaan?
Sudahkah kita mengoreksi diri kita kadang kita yang menimbulkan ketidakpercayaan pada orang lain?
Ketidakmengertian? Ketidakpahaman? Ketidakmampuan untuk mengungkapkan apa yang kamu rasa? Mengapa harus begitu? Ungkapkan saja!? Jujurlah..
Ya begitulah, kadang kita tidak mau berterus terang terhadap orang lain
Sehingga membingungkan diri orang lain yang kita hadapi..
Kadang kita merasa sombong bahwa ketika kita lebih tua atau lebih tahu segalanya maka kita merasa lebih atas segala sesuatunya.., menjadi senior yang merasa lebih?
Atau bisa juga kita menjadi yunior yang merasa tahu segalanya?
Semoga Allah mengampuni dosa kita yang merasa lebih dari orang lain...
Semoga Allah menjauhkan diri kita dari kesombongan yang sekecil apapun...
Astaghfirullah. Aamiin YRA
Kadang kita diam saja padahal kita tahu jawabnya...
Atau kadang kita diam saja untuk menyembunyikan sesuatu karena ketidakterbukaan..?
Ketidakterbukaan berbuah kekhawatiran...
atau kekhawatiran berbuah ketidakterbukaan?
Hanya Allah Yang Tahu jawabnya..
Kekhwatiran atas apa?
Khawatir ada yang merasa lebih dari kita? atau kekhawatiran untuk diambil secara diam2? Kekhawatiran kelak dia melampui diri kita?
Jujurlah terhadap segala sesuatu..
Bila kamu ingin mengetahui sesuatu, sampaikanlah..
Bila kamu ingin mengetahui sesuatu, bacalah yang benar..
Bila kamu belum mengerti, bertanyalah...
Jangan simpan segala sesuatu di dalam hatimu lalu engkau menyimpulkan sendiri...
serta membuat keputusan sendiri yang sangat berbeda dari yang diharapkan...
Sehingga orang lain salah paham terhadapmu
Kadang kamu beranggapan salah terhadap orang lain..
Sehingga seluruh hidupmu berbuat dosa terhadap orang tersebut tanpa kau sadari dan tanpa akhir...
Akhirnya kau tidak mendapatkan apapun dari orang tersebut..
Hanya dosa dan dosa karena kamu tidak mau berusaha memahami atau mencari tahu sebuah kebenaran dalam hidup yang seharusnya kamu dapatkan bila kamu bertanya lebih lanjut terhadap orang tersebut..
Hanya anggapan salah dan salah, lalu kamu memutuskan pergi atau menghindari dan absentia tanpa sebuah keterangan dengan maksud menyalahkan orang tersebut..
Padahal sejujurnya kamu hanya salah paham karena mendapat keterangan atau informasi yang salah..
Akhirnya, walaupun engkau jauh lebih segalanya dari aku, engkau hanya memendam dosa dan dosa yang berkepanjangan ...terhadapku tanpa sebuah penyelesaian..
Semoga bermanfaat..
Mohon maaf bila membingungkan....,sedikit kabur..atau kurang jelas...
Mohon maaf bila ada penyampaian yang kurang berkenan atau kesalahan dalam penulisan..
Kekhilafan saya semata sebagai manusia biasa, bukan mahluk Allah yang sempurna..
Pemilik kesempurnaan hanyalah Allah semata.., bukan saya atau kamu...
Mohon maaf dan terima kasih atas perhatiannya..
Thank you very much for your understanding..
Bismillah...*Allah is the winner *Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Ketika kamu tidak dipahami, bagaimana rasanya?
Ketika kamu dipahami, bagaimana rasanya?
Ketika kamu memahami, bagaimana rasanya?
Ketika kamu tidak dipahami, kamu akan bingung dan bingung...
Kemana harus bertanya dan kemana harus melangkah..
Kamu tidak jelas dan sulit mengerti atas semua ini...
Mengapa begini? mengapa begitu?
Mengapa tidak paham seharusnya begitu dan justru begini?
Kenapa orang bisa demikian terhadapmu?
Kenapa orang bisa melakukan ini kepadamu?
Kamu bingung dan bingung...
Kita terus bingung tanpa tahu bagaimana mengurai dan mengungkapkan semua ini..
Diuraikan dan diungkapkanpun ternyata banyak yang tidak paham.., banyak yang merasa aneh..
Kenapa kok berpikir begitu? Kenapa kok berpikir begini?
Kenapa kok tidak yang ini saja? Kenapa kok yang itu?
Kenapa kok begini? Kenapa kok begitu?
Menyesakkan bukan? menyesakkan dada..
Begitu banyak pikiran dan hal yang sulit dimengerti..
Tanpa ada pemahaman atau yang memahami..
atau bahkan mungkin pura-pura paham namun sejujurnya tidak paham...
Ketidakpercayaan? atau ya ketidakpercayaan?
Mungkin itu penyebabnya?
lalu mengapa ada ketidakpercayaan? apa penyebabnya terjadi ketidakpercayaan?
Sudahkah kita mengoreksi diri kita kadang kita yang menimbulkan ketidakpercayaan pada orang lain?
Ketidakmengertian? Ketidakpahaman? Ketidakmampuan untuk mengungkapkan apa yang kamu rasa? Mengapa harus begitu? Ungkapkan saja!? Jujurlah..
Ya begitulah, kadang kita tidak mau berterus terang terhadap orang lain
Sehingga membingungkan diri orang lain yang kita hadapi..
Kadang kita merasa sombong bahwa ketika kita lebih tua atau lebih tahu segalanya maka kita merasa lebih atas segala sesuatunya.., menjadi senior yang merasa lebih?
Atau bisa juga kita menjadi yunior yang merasa tahu segalanya?
Semoga Allah mengampuni dosa kita yang merasa lebih dari orang lain...
Semoga Allah menjauhkan diri kita dari kesombongan yang sekecil apapun...
Astaghfirullah. Aamiin YRA
Kadang kita diam saja padahal kita tahu jawabnya...
Atau kadang kita diam saja untuk menyembunyikan sesuatu karena ketidakterbukaan..?
Ketidakterbukaan berbuah kekhawatiran...
atau kekhawatiran berbuah ketidakterbukaan?
Hanya Allah Yang Tahu jawabnya..
Kekhwatiran atas apa?
Khawatir ada yang merasa lebih dari kita? atau kekhawatiran untuk diambil secara diam2? Kekhawatiran kelak dia melampui diri kita?
Jujurlah terhadap segala sesuatu..
Bila kamu ingin mengetahui sesuatu, sampaikanlah..
Bila kamu ingin mengetahui sesuatu, bacalah yang benar..
Bila kamu belum mengerti, bertanyalah...
Jangan simpan segala sesuatu di dalam hatimu lalu engkau menyimpulkan sendiri...
serta membuat keputusan sendiri yang sangat berbeda dari yang diharapkan...
Sehingga orang lain salah paham terhadapmu
Kadang kamu beranggapan salah terhadap orang lain..
Sehingga seluruh hidupmu berbuat dosa terhadap orang tersebut tanpa kau sadari dan tanpa akhir...
Akhirnya kau tidak mendapatkan apapun dari orang tersebut..
Hanya dosa dan dosa karena kamu tidak mau berusaha memahami atau mencari tahu sebuah kebenaran dalam hidup yang seharusnya kamu dapatkan bila kamu bertanya lebih lanjut terhadap orang tersebut..
Hanya anggapan salah dan salah, lalu kamu memutuskan pergi atau menghindari dan absentia tanpa sebuah keterangan dengan maksud menyalahkan orang tersebut..
Padahal sejujurnya kamu hanya salah paham karena mendapat keterangan atau informasi yang salah..
Akhirnya, walaupun engkau jauh lebih segalanya dari aku, engkau hanya memendam dosa dan dosa yang berkepanjangan ...terhadapku tanpa sebuah penyelesaian..
Semoga bermanfaat..
Mohon maaf bila membingungkan....,sedikit kabur..atau kurang jelas...
Mohon maaf bila ada penyampaian yang kurang berkenan atau kesalahan dalam penulisan..
Kekhilafan saya semata sebagai manusia biasa, bukan mahluk Allah yang sempurna..
Pemilik kesempurnaan hanyalah Allah semata.., bukan saya atau kamu...
Mohon maaf dan terima kasih atas perhatiannya..
Thank you very much for your understanding..
Bismillah...*Allah is the winner *Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Kadang-kadang segala sesuatu dilakukan dengan keterpaksaan..
Seharusnya segala sesuatu dilakukan dengan ikhlas tanpa keterpaksaan..
Namun keadaan membuat segala sesuatu berjalan layaknya sebuah keterpaksaan...
Tanpa penolakan atau tak bisa menolak...
Berbuah dera yang merajam dan mendera di dalam dada..
Bebas adalah arti sebuah kesempurnaan dalam hidup..
Bebas terbatas atau bebas dengan batas
Menyirat makna adanya sesuatu yang bebas namun menyiratkan keterpaksaan
Keterpaksaan atau keterbatasan yang dibatasi oleh berbagai hal yang sulit diurai
Menyiratkan genggaman yang sulit diungkapkan
Hidup harus dilalui..
Life must go on..
That's the reality..
Hhh...have to do..
Bismillah for all of I have to do and have done..
Allah knows everything..
Help me and help me Allah..
Allah knows me..
Bismillah, Ya Mujibu..
I love Allah..
Bismillah for everything in my life...
Hope everything will gonna be allright..
Aamiin YRA
Thank you Allah and all of you my beautiful and handsome friends...
My good friends...
Thank you for your goodness and your attention..for me..
Allah loves you and me *Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Do you love music?
There are so many different types of music..
Listen to the beautiful music for your beautiful heart....
Choose the right one for you if you want it..
Everybody has the choice difference.. depend on your mood .., mood music.., right?
Listen to your favorable music ..
Listen to the music that will relax your mind and soul..
and will remind you for your goodness and everything that so beautiful for your heart..
Hmm...let's choose one of them..
Listen to these...
Kecapiii..?.? etc..
What's that?
Oh...you play it...
Okay, thank you...
Please apologize me if there are mistakes from me...
Have a nice and beautiful days...for all of you..
Let's go to the beach...and please don't forget....listen to the beautiful music from the beach..., beautiful music from the gurgling water...
There are so many different types of music..
Listen to the beautiful music for your beautiful heart....
Choose the right one for you if you want it..
Everybody has the choice difference.. depend on your mood .., mood music.., right?
Listen to your favorable music ..
Listen to the music that will relax your mind and soul..
and will remind you for your goodness and everything that so beautiful for your heart..
Hmm...let's choose one of them..
Listen to these...
Kecapiii..?.? etc..
What's that?
Oh...you play it...
Okay, thank you...
Please apologize me if there are mistakes from me...
Have a nice and beautiful days...for all of you..
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Love your favorite music |
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Let's go to the beach...and please don't forget....listen to the beautiful music from the beach..., beautiful music from the gurgling water...
Goodness is goodness
Goodness is not badness
Try to be a nice person
Try to be a friendly person
Always remember Allah
InsyaAllah. Aamiin YRA.
Love people = love yourself = love ourselves
Have a positive thinking in every state.
InsyaAllah.Aamiin YRA.
These are beautiful flowers for your beautiful love..
Thank you very much for all of you..
For your beautiful deeds...
For everything.. you have done ..and you always do... that so beautiful for me and for all of us..
Bismillah, Alhamdulillah
Thank you for all of you..
Goodness is goodness
Goodness is not badness
Try to be a nice person
Try to be a friendly person
Always remember Allah
InsyaAllah. Aamiin YRA.
Love people = love yourself = love ourselves
Have a positive thinking in every state.
InsyaAllah.Aamiin YRA.
These are beautiful flowers for your beautiful love..
Thank you very much for all of you..
For your beautiful deeds...
For everything.. you have done ..and you always do... that so beautiful for me and for all of us..
Bismillah, Alhamdulillah
Thank you for all of you..
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Red Fruit...
Hmm wauuw...so nice and so beautiful color
Do you like that? Yeess...,watermelon...
Yeah.., you will get benefit from watermelon..
What's the benefit?
InsyaAllah, you will get fresh body..and will boost your body's immune system..
Prevent various diseases..
Let's eat for our healthy body..
Enjoy your life with red fruit...
You will feel so happy..
Relax your mind too...
Wanna try?
Hmmm...that's good!
Okay, thank you very much for your attention..
Please apologize me..
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Sometimes, in your life or in your daily activities you find a person who treats you or regards you as his/her competitor.
How do you know? We don’t know.., but you will see when something trouble happened
to you.
Someday you will know who is he/she or what kind of the man/woman. So, please becareful with the kind of man/woman like this.
But, don’t worry..sooner or later..,they will go far away from you, step by step.
Allah will protect you..
So, pray and pray is the best way..
InsyaAllah. Aamiin YRA.
Please apologize me.., that's the worst of my experiences..
Alhamdulillah and thank you...
Alhamdulillah if you like what I did ( what I wrote and shared) with you..
Alhamdulillah so many views..
You can hide how many people have seen your blog..
I am sorry, I do not want to make anyone else jealous with what I have done..
In my experience, the higher the tree, the faster the wind blows. Do you understand the proverb?
Okay, thank you...
Thank you very much for your view to my blog..
Thank you very much for your +1 to my blog...
Thank you very much for all of you did and the goodness and helped me to share my blog..
Alhamdulillah if you like what I did ( what I wrote and shared) with you..
Alhamdulillah so many views..
You can hide how many people have seen your blog..
I am sorry, I do not want to make anyone else jealous with what I have done..
In my experience, the higher the tree, the faster the wind blows. Do you understand the proverb?
Okay, thank you...
Thank you very much for your view to my blog..
Thank you very much for your +1 to my blog...
Thank you very much for all of you did and the goodness and helped me to share my blog..
***Be a positive thinking person*** Love people = Love yourself***
Saturday, May 6, 2017
To be a good leader you must have experiences.
Not only have the highest education.
The highest education has no relationship with leadership skills.
Age relates with maturity lead his/herself and determines the best for his/herself independent of others.
Previous work experiences determine the ability and courage in making decisions independently of others.
Education is very important, but education will have no meaning without experiences.
High education or good education doesn't mean good leadership.
To be a good leader you must have experiences.
Not only have the highest education.
The highest education has no relationship with leadership skills.
Age and experience determine your ability to lead.
Age relates to the ability to lead oneself independent of others.
Mature age, at least more than 40 years old and have experiences determine your ability to lead.
Age relates with maturity lead his/herself and determines the best for his/herself independent of others.
Previous work experiences determine the ability and courage in making decisions independently of others.
Education is very important, but education will have no meaning without experiences.
High education or good education doesn't mean good leadership.
Education is very important. But, without experiences, you will have nothing for the world.
**Be a positive thinking person**
Friday, May 5, 2017
Do you love abbreviation?
Let's talk about ABBREVIATION
Too much abbreviations..
Hehe I think.., too much abbreviations are worse than without abbreviations in your sentences ..
I mean, I want to tell you that too much abbreviations are worse problems...than without abbreviations in your words..
Too much abbreviations in your words or sentences..
Will confuse my mind.., and my feelling..
So I don't like that..very much
Why? because I have to think or to remember so many abbreviations one by one..in your words or sentences..
Okay, actually.....abbreviation is good for training memory..., try to remember is good for our brain memory..
That's my opinion, too..
But, there are many things that we have to remember when we tell something with abbreviations..
What's that?
Sometimes, abbreviations will confuse you..
I mean, we will misunderstand, misinterpret or get double understanding..or misinterpretation,misinformation..
The worst thing is misjudgement..
It's not clearly telling about what you want to do and what u don' t want to do
I am sorry for my opinion...
PLease apologize if there are mistakes in my sentences.., only my opinion.
So, how about your opinion? Do you love abbreviation?
NOt always? it's okay...
Thank you for your attention..
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Tomatos and Carrots Mixed Juice
Helllooo...,Did you have your breakfast?
Hmm..please don't forget to drink tomatos and carrots juice..without sugar..,too
They have vitamins and antioxidant..
That's so good for balancing your body immune system..
Good for avoiding premature aging, too
Okay, so..let's drink it together...
Hmmm...so delicious and fresh..drink..
Helllooo...,Did you have your breakfast?
Hmm..please don't forget to drink tomatos and carrots juice..without sugar..,too
They have vitamins and antioxidant..
That's so good for balancing your body immune system..
Good for avoiding premature aging, too
Okay, so..let's drink it together...
Hmmm...so delicious and fresh..drink..
Pray and pray...
Thank you Allah for everything
Thank you Allah for well being
Thank you Allah for giving
Thank you Allah for hearing
Thank you Allah for blessing
Thank you Allah for a beautiful life
Thank you Allah for loving
Thank you Allah for receiving and granting our prayers, InsyaAllah. Aamiin YRA
*** Be a positive thinking person.***
Yellow Fresh Fruits
Yellow Fresh fruits will boost ur immune system, too..
Pineapple, jackfruit, lemon, banana, etc and this one..
All of them have yellow color, so sweet and beautiful fruits..
Yellow Fresh fruits will boost ur immune system, too..
Pineapple, jackfruit, lemon, banana, etc and this one..
All of them have yellow color, so sweet and beautiful fruits..
So..please try...
You will get fresh body in a few minutes..
Hmmm...let's eat...nyam..nyam..nyam..
Okay, thank you for ur attention...
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
If you do the goodness, you will get the goodness..
If you love the badness, you will get the badness..
If you love people, you will get love from people..for everything the goodness that you did..
So..if you maintain jealous character.., you will..get a pseudo happiness..
I mean, your happiness is filled with the desire/intention of bringing others down.
Thank you for your goodness and avoid your badness
***Be a good person in your life, in your daily activities***
Monday, May 1, 2017
Bismillah..,Take notice of.... drug and food/drink interaction...
Is that important thing so we have to give concern it?
Yes, of course! Food/drink will influence your medicine activities..
They will increase your medicine activities...or they will inhibit your medicine activities in your body..
Give me examples for that..: coffee, milk and also tea...etc
So... how to get the normal activities from the medicine that we have consumed ? Please..take medicine with a glass of water.., only water../hygienic water..,that's the best choice!
So...if you take the medicine and then... have not got the cure or the benefit of the medication.. Please remember this..., may be the way of taking your medicine is not quite right, so ask your doctor if the drug has not given the healing effect or as expected or as desired..
Think it about that, too..
Thank uuu very much for ur attention...
Have a good day...
Wish all of us have a healthy body. Aamiin YRA
Is that important thing so we have to give concern it?
Yes, of course! Food/drink will influence your medicine activities..
They will increase your medicine activities...or they will inhibit your medicine activities in your body..
Give me examples for that..: coffee, milk and also tea...etc
So... how to get the normal activities from the medicine that we have consumed ? Please..take medicine with a glass of water.., only water../hygienic water..,that's the best choice!
So...if you take the medicine and then... have not got the cure or the benefit of the medication.. Please remember this..., may be the way of taking your medicine is not quite right, so ask your doctor if the drug has not given the healing effect or as expected or as desired..
Think it about that, too..
Thank uuu very much for ur attention...
Have a good day...
Wish all of us have a healthy body. Aamiin YRA
Hii..good niight...please..recognize me..Rosa Lelyana | OMICS International | University of Dipo
Please have a positive thinking and joint as a writer in International Journal ..
You can share your work..
We can learn together..
Thank you very much for your nice and prompt response
IQ - smile - creativity... is there a relationship?
Pleaseee.... thinking of it!
If you have so many creativities and ideas..
You will enjoy your life ..
Then you will get happiness and also satisfaction...with what u have done..
If you don't have so many creativities..
You will do nothing..
Then you will get sadness...
So..please try to learn and to do something that you can do..!
Don't become a lazy person... , that's the keynote!
Okay, smile...pleaseee....
See you..
See you..
Thankk you so much for your love and your understanding...
Have a beautiful day and beautiful sleep for your healthy body..
What's that? Do you know that?
We call.. SAYUR BAYEM..
This is vegetables soup!
If you eat vegetables and fruits everyday..you will get smarter than before..
If you eat vegetables and fruits everyday..you will get smarter than before..
Don't too much fast food or junk food or you will get obesity..and it will inhibit ur brain activities...
Thank youuu so much for ur attention...
Love uuuu...
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Happy Merry Christhmas for youu my fam in UK, Charles my dad and Harry William and all of my family there..., I really love youu always all the time...
Dokter Rosa Lelyana MSi Med SKed PhD Nutrition and Medicine Lecturer from Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro/Undip Semarang, Jawa T...

Hiiii...ayo sharing your makalah...., ntar draftnya kukoreksi..., beberapa x , insyaAllah ntar termuat di journal internasional..., kontak ...
Beautiful days... I am thinking of u ...12 *Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*