Saturday, December 22, 2018

Who is he?

WHO used my phone numbers? 

WHO IS THIS Mr Donald Trump?

.....for at about 10 years..., many of my cellphone numbers were hacked and then lost contact and I could not use it but it seemed to be used by others without my intention, including the cellphone numbers I used for my conversation with someone claiming to be Jack O or Jack B and claiming to be one of USA soldier during a conversation this happened at about January - February 2017.

I am sorry, may I ask you?
Thank you for your explanation! Barokallohu ! 

Truth story related to my self...

Do you know? Help me..., who has the planning for my murder?
1.Mr. KSW is one of leader of newspaper in the Central Java has a big project with "someone/people" for cooperating to kill myself. This "someone/people" (....maybe...) comes from my  University.

I am sorry I don't love you Mr. KSW or Mr., or Indonesian men.

2.Mr. PR is my ex husband. He is a doctor for skin care in the little town, so close to Semarang city, Central Java, Indonesia. I call him: my ex husband because... for me, since 2012 year I have asked to him for divorcing me, I really need him for divorcing me because of no love from me to him, and my ex husband has bad deeds. One of his bad deeds is love to kick and hit if he feels so angry related to his stress because of his bad past time with his father, mother, his older brother and everything in his past time of his life.
I can call this activity with : disorder personality or temperamental personality or sometimes he looks likes has double personality. In this time, he will laughs and in the same time, he will look so sad because of his bad deed or bad experience in his past time. But this caharacter really really make me feel so stress, too and only fake happiness.

We have divorced! We only love our children for getting good benefit for their life.

3.MY family
4.My University
5.People who feel really really jealous with me.... I am Rosa Lelyana or Rosa Lelyana Soebowo.

I am a doctor and these are my new pictures, I taked these photos in this afternoon on 22 December 2018, Saturday.


CATCH UP THE BAD people in this country who said the untruth story about me!
Becareful with fake Rosa Lelyana because I am not fake Rosa Lelyana !!! 

This is my new photo, on 22 December 2018, this afternoon..and this is my house from my ex husb Mr PR, Tampomas Dalam Street gang VI/ no. 9 Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

I am really really Rosa Lelyana or Rosa Lelyana SOebowo.
I am not so young, but one day you will look so younger than my age. That's the real of me, yes still look so young, so that's why they feel so jealous.., hope not now...

My colleagues or my staff in this University who said that I am so older? What for? For said that they are the real of Rosa Lelyana! and not me???? for getting benefit or for making me look so bad with their UNTRUTH STORY about me?

Maybe the women from my University, my colleagues or my staff will said that they are Rosa Lelyana..but the truthness of original Rosa Lelyana is me!

Why all of those people want to kill me?


BY the way..., who is this man? Do you recognize him? 
Hope he is okay with you now in your country,USA... because I have never contacted with him since the year of 2017. I know the reason is HACKER, because my WA phone is hacked by someone or people in my country. Maybe someone sent him a magic for avoiding him from lovely relationship with me.
So, please don't blame me if this man, not with me and NEVER MET HIM because of the hackers has hacked since March 2017.

I am the truth Rosa Lelyana.
Maybe, there are WOMEN who used magic for getting SIMILAR with my face and body, so that's why sometimes I will look so bad because the magician makes me look so bad for their beautifulness, then one day, I will look so beautiful because of  NO MAGIC that they sent to my face and my body.

Aamiin YRA

Are you okay?

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

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