Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Have a nice holiday with me...
Don't forget to pick me up to your moon...
I love you so much...for making them all of the troubles makers and hackers go away from you and me...
I love you so much for always loving me in all of your days and in all of your life whatever...
I really love you...because you really love me.., too
Allah will really loves only you for me and me for you and all of my children and yours..
I know you still remember what I have taught for you....
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb from me to you...with all of my love and deep in side my heart...
Bismillah..barokallohu from me to you and from you to me 
I know you are a good m....especially for me...
I am sorry for all of my mistakes...
I love you so much with all of the beautiful things from you to me and from me to you...
Hope I will be the one for you and you.....for me
Bismillah barokallohu, aamiin YRA


Helloooo... for youu my friends, colleagues and seniors in abroad USA, India, China etc...
Have a  beautiful holiday...
Love youuu so much, toooooo....

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Hello hackers....Why you hack ? for 10 years....!!!!! Who are you?

Helloo hackers of my email, who are you? are you really Mr. KSW or the others people from my University?
I don't love you Mr KSW, Mr. Hard etc all of people in this country and my University, because of no honesty from all of you with all of my case! What's the matter? I don't know the reason of all your bad deeds to me, Mr KSW and Mr Hard and people in this University!

I have no relationship with ISIS! Maybe the other from this University...

But why....?NO honesty from you!Why you hacked my email? laptop and phones?
Because you wanna know and stole my email information?
You wanna kill my career, my life, my friends and my work?
You wanna make me feel so discomfort?

Who are you, why always hack my phone numbers and my email?
Why you always hack my email, handphones and my laptop?

Why you did it to me for at about 10 years? then you sent magic and hurt my body and my face with magic? for a very very long time... and now, you also want to kill me? why? why ? why?

I have no relationship with ISIS!

Who are you?

I know you are a liar, you will say that someone hacks your email, too. But the fact is you are hacker of my email, laptop and my WA and etc all of my electronic communication.

I know apart of you are liars, you will say that someone hacks your email, too. But the fact : you are hackers of my email, laptop and my WA and etc all of my electronic communication.

I know you are hackers or hacker.
Please, don't be a liar.

Why you hacked my email? laptop and phones?
Because you wanna know and stole my email information?
You wanna kill my career, my life, my friends and my work?
You wanna make me feel so discomfort?

I will ask you to go to the jail and prison. I can call hotel prodeo for youu...

I have no relationship with ISIS!

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Who is he?

WHO used my phone numbers? 

WHO IS THIS Mr Donald Trump?

.....for at about 10 years..., many of my cellphone numbers were hacked and then lost contact and I could not use it but it seemed to be used by others without my intention, including the cellphone numbers I used for my conversation with someone claiming to be Jack O or Jack B and claiming to be one of USA soldier during a conversation this happened at about January - February 2017.

I am sorry, may I ask you?
Thank you for your explanation! Barokallohu ! 

Truth story related to my self...

Do you know? Help me..., who has the planning for my murder?
1.Mr. KSW is one of leader of newspaper in the Central Java has a big project with "someone/people" for cooperating to kill myself. This "someone/people" (....maybe...) comes from my  University.

I am sorry I don't love you Mr. KSW or Mr., or Indonesian men.

2.Mr. PR is my ex husband. He is a doctor for skin care in the little town, so close to Semarang city, Central Java, Indonesia. I call him: my ex husband because... for me, since 2012 year I have asked to him for divorcing me, I really need him for divorcing me because of no love from me to him, and my ex husband has bad deeds. One of his bad deeds is love to kick and hit if he feels so angry related to his stress because of his bad past time with his father, mother, his older brother and everything in his past time of his life.
I can call this activity with : disorder personality or temperamental personality or sometimes he looks likes has double personality. In this time, he will laughs and in the same time, he will look so sad because of his bad deed or bad experience in his past time. But this caharacter really really make me feel so stress, too and only fake happiness.

We have divorced! We only love our children for getting good benefit for their life.

3.MY family
4.My University
5.People who feel really really jealous with me.... I am Rosa Lelyana or Rosa Lelyana Soebowo.

I am a doctor and these are my new pictures, I taked these photos in this afternoon on 22 December 2018, Saturday.


CATCH UP THE BAD people in this country who said the untruth story about me!
Becareful with fake Rosa Lelyana because I am not fake Rosa Lelyana !!! 

This is my new photo, on 22 December 2018, this afternoon..and this is my house from my ex husb Mr PR, Tampomas Dalam Street gang VI/ no. 9 Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

I am really really Rosa Lelyana or Rosa Lelyana SOebowo.
I am not so young, but one day you will look so younger than my age. That's the real of me, yes still look so young, so that's why they feel so jealous.., hope not now...

My colleagues or my staff in this University who said that I am so older? What for? For said that they are the real of Rosa Lelyana! and not me???? for getting benefit or for making me look so bad with their UNTRUTH STORY about me?

Maybe the women from my University, my colleagues or my staff will said that they are Rosa Lelyana..but the truthness of original Rosa Lelyana is me!

Why all of those people want to kill me?


BY the way..., who is this man? Do you recognize him? 
Hope he is okay with you now in your country,USA... because I have never contacted with him since the year of 2017. I know the reason is HACKER, because my WA phone is hacked by someone or people in my country. Maybe someone sent him a magic for avoiding him from lovely relationship with me.
So, please don't blame me if this man, not with me and NEVER MET HIM because of the hackers has hacked since March 2017.

I am the truth Rosa Lelyana.
Maybe, there are WOMEN who used magic for getting SIMILAR with my face and body, so that's why sometimes I will look so bad because the magician makes me look so bad for their beautifulness, then one day, I will look so beautiful because of  NO MAGIC that they sent to my face and my body.

Aamiin YRA

Are you okay?

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Saturday, December 15, 2018

I am the original Rosa Lelyana! not fake Rosa Lelyana!

This is my new photo, on 22 December 2018, this afternoon..and this is my house, Tampomas Dalam VI/9 Semarang, Indonesia

I am not fake Rosa Lelyana.

I am really really Rosa Lelyana or Rosa Lelyana SOebowo.
I am not so young, but one day you will look so younger than my age.
My colleagues or my staff who said like that in my University? Right or not?

My colleagues or my staff who said like that in my University? Right or not?

Maybe the women from my University, my colleagues or my staff will said that they are Rosa Lelyana..but the truthness is me!

15 - 12 - 2018 Sabtu Wage
Hari ini hari Sabtu, dengan weton Sabtu Wage atau TAUGE = Setu Wage!
Saat Sabtu Wage ini....
Badan saya ini terasa disedot sedot
Saya ingat setiap Sabtu Wage sering badan saya terasa tidak nyaman, mungkin karena pemilik hari tersebut adalah orang top T-O-P sehingga banyak yang menggunakan hari tersebut untuk mendapatkan keuntungan pribadi...


Bantu saya yaa...untuk menghancurkan rencana mereka untuk bermalam mingguan yang indah, karena si wanita2 tersebut di bawah ini terindikasi "menggunakan" wajah dan tubuh saya untuk mempersiapkan malam minggunya agar LEBIH TERASA INDAH KARENA SI PRIA PRIA TERSEBUT MERASA BAHWA YANG DIPACARI ATAU YANG DIMESUMI adalah diri saya DOKTER ROSA LELYANA ORIGINAL atau Rosa Lelyana Soebowo yang asli, sehingga penipuan mereka dan rencana malam minggunya akan berhasil sukses!

1. First group : Pug for man + Ran/Lin for woman
2. Second group : Hard for man +  Chor/ Any for woman
3. Third group : Kukr for man + Elek ERN for woman
4. Forth group : Herm for man + Bidn for woman
5. Fifth group : Mr. 3 for man + Maid for woman

SEDIKIT IKLAN : Di sebuah rumah jalan Dewi Sarinah (maaf bila salah) no 28 kota Semar, seorang wanita menata 5 kursi,lalu diduduki 5 wanita lain selama 1-2 jam, lalu datang 5 pria dan duduk bercengkerama dengan wanita2 tersebut selama 1-2 jam, lalu 5 pria tsb pergi meninggalkan wanita2 tsb, kemudian wanita2 tersebut sendirian dan tidur2an dalam kondisi tidak nyaman selama 1-2 jam.
RITUAL APA YAAAA ibu....Ancik?

1. Pria2 tersebut mencintai atau setidaknya suka dan mengagumi diri atau mengenal diri saya!
2. Agar wajah wanita2 yang mengaku Rosa Lelyana palsu tersebut mirip diri saya Rosa Lelyana yang asli!
3. Agar badan/tubuh wanita2 yang mengaku Rosa Lelyana palsu  tersebut mirip diri saya Rosa Lelyana yang asli!
4. Agar sensasi sexual saat memberi rangsangan bagi laki2 yang yang dicintai wanita2 yang mengaku Rosa Lelyana palsu tersebut SEOLAH mirip diri saya Rosa Lelyana yang asli!
5. Agar sensasi vagina saat berhubungan sex terbayang oleh laki2 yang dicintai wanita2 yang mengaku Rosa Lelyana palsu  tersebut SEOLAH mirip diri saya Rosa Lelyana yang asli!

SIAPA TAHU WANITA PACAR ANDA, istri anda ATAU WANITA YANG ANDA RENCANAKAN untuk ANDA NIKAHI BUKAN ROSA LELYANA asli atau ROSA LELYANA PALSU....., hanya mengaku2 karena INGIN DIANGGAP MIRIP dengan saya dan bahkan sekaligus mencuri barang2 FAVORIT saya dengan menggunakan BABI NGEPET...agar sensasi tubuh dan wajah wanita tersebut seakan2 itu adalah dokter Rosa Lelyana asli!! Hati2 bila wanita2 tersebut kadang bahkan menjelek2an...diri saya....Rosa Lelyana yang asli! 

THE BADNESS OF WOMEN! Hati2 para wanita buruk yang menjelek2an diri Rosa Lelyana asli KARENA WANITA2 tersebut tahu bahwa si PRIA2 tersebut mencintai atau menyukai atau bahkan mengagumi saya Rosa Lelyana yang asli.. sehingga mereka ingin merebut perhatian si pria2 yang menyukai Rosa Lelyana asli dengan berusaha menyamai bahkan melebihi Rosa Lelyana asli...bahkan menjelek2an si Rosa Lelyana asli...agar Rosa Lelyana asli jatuh/tenggelam/bahkan terbunuh lalu posisi pekerjaannya bahkan cinta para pria tersebut kepada Rosa Lelyana asli digantikan oleh si wanita2 Rosa Lelyana palsu tersebut...

......walaupun saya bukan CALL GIRL atau bukan wanita yang suka berhubungan sex dengan banyak pria!!  SAYA WANITA BAIK2! SAYA BUKAN CALL GIRL! I AM NOT CALL GIRL!! I AM A GOOD WOMAN! I am NOT a BAD WOMAN like what they said about me!!

Mungkin anda para wanita2 pembajak tersebut yang CALL GIRL! 

Bila ada orang yang mengirimkan info2 dari hp atau email atau laptop saya terkait diri saya, itu BERARTI PEMBAJAK hp, email, laptop saya!!! atau HACKERS WOMEN!!! karena beberapa waktu yll 4-5 laptop saya rusak dalam waktu sekitar 10 hari!!! dan handphone baru saya sering ganti minimal 2 handphone dalam waktu 1 tahun walaupun kondisi masih baik namun sering trouble karena terindikasi pembajakan!!

Pantas saja, pernah ada teman luar negeri yang menginginkan gambar vagina saya! Untung tidak saya berikan! Sebenarnya semua ini maksudnya apa wahai para wanita dan ibu2? Mengapa anda menggunakan tubuh saya untuk keuntungan pribadi anda? anda wanita2 muslim kan dan berjilbab,  lalu mengapa seperti itu? Tidakkah tahu bahwa syirik itu= menduakan Allah SWT ????

Semoga rekan2 saya di luar negeri di Amerika Serikat, India dan China juga di UAE dan di seluruh dunia membantu saya mengungkap kasus rencana "pembunuhan" terhadap diri saya !!! Yang kemungkinan terkait kompetisi dunia kerja juga!

I REALLY ...LOVE YOU for YOUR LOVE, your helping and the GREATEST LOVE from all of my friends, colleagues and seniors in abroad!!!

Help me for this badness from them...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

HACKERS from my University

Makes me so confuse
Makes me so dissappointed because they stole my pictures, my information and or my memory with my friends and my file document related to my work for sending in many journals..
The hackers make my friends and my special... go away from me without unknown reason...that I have known before...
They makes me have a negative thinking that they are not good people, not lecturers with have high competition and lectures who only want to make me so stress because of their bad activities that no one in this goverment try for inhibiting and catching their activities..

The reason of what they have done ...:

Their poor potentiaty to be writers and to be good lectures, because of low smart brain and no rule for punishment for the bad lecturers who always hacked and really love their hacking acitivties..

My pray for hackers:
Hope Allah SWT bring all you the bad lectures who always disturb me in all of your ways...
Aamiin YRA

Bismillah my friends, colleagues and seniors from abroad...... Would you me? for bringing them go to the jail, so all of my happiness and my working and also your working/happiness will have succeed like what we want...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Monday, December 10, 2018

TUKANG MASAK AHLI gz INGIN  NAIK PANGKAT? Bukan cuma tukang masak saja yang ingin naik pangkat, namun saya DOKTER JUGA TUKANG MASAK AHLI gz yang INGIN NAIK PANGKAT JABATAN juga lhooo....
Jadi mohon para tukang masak TIDAK sombong yaa..., mentang2 tukang masak dapur lalu meremehkan dokter yang tukang masak dan bisa masak seperti saya...

Ini foto2 saya dan hasil masakan saya beberapa waktu yll di tahun 2018 ini juga...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
NI BUKAN HOAX DAN BUKAN PENCEMARAN NAMA BAIK KARENA NYATA!!! Bukan berita yang dibuat-buat seperti tampak nyata, karena memang nyata! Saya yang mengalami dan bukan anda...

I am Rosa LelyanaDon't insult me first..., because I will insult you more and more.. never your life...

Pleaseee..... Please appreciate me...

Ayoooo jangan pakai nama saya dan menjelek2an saya.....
Menjelek2an saya = menjelek2an anda sendiri....dan menjelek2an seluruh yang anda miliki....
Ayooo hargai saya.....

Bertahun2 alat telekomunikasi saya dibajak, terutama sejak 2008 dan bahkan mulai tahun 2010...sejak seorang dosen bukan dokter namun sarjana gizi wanita yang pura2 lugu dan sering konsultasi saya sebagai dosen yunior masuk menjadi CPNS, semua amburadul dan rencana2 saya berantakan..karena mungkin kapasitas ibu dosen baru ini sebagai dosen kurang mumpuni sehingga bingung menjadi dosen kok ternyata sulit...begitu ya buuu....sehingga dicarilah jalan mengirim sihir/jin ke tubuh saya sekaligus membajak handphone saya dan juga email email saya serta alat komunikasi lain seperti facebook, whatssapp, sms, telpon, dll semua alat komunikasi saya...untuk menghalangi komunikasi saya dengan senior2 saya yang semuanya dokter dan untuk merusak hubungan baik saya dengan dokter2 senior saya di Fakultas Kedokteran Undip...
Tapi kita maklumi karena ibu dosen bukan dokter namun kurang kompetens sebagai dosen ini walaupun ibu ini tidak lagi muda dan mungkin memang kurang cantik hati dan perilakunya sehingga selalu iri pada saya dan ingin tahu masalah2 bagaimana agar eksis dan tetap cantik...

Sebenarnya cantik itu dari dalam lhoo bu...

Bismillah be a good lecturer in UNDIP/UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO, Semarang, Jawa Tengah,Indonesia!!! I am a good lecturer and author, why all of you want to kill me? and always hack my email? WHY??

AYOOOO...Hargai saya yaa...senior di Undip/UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO dan para muslim.., marilah menjadi muslim yang baik dan kita cegah pembajak agar para pembajak di Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia menjadi sadar...sehingga email saya tidak dibajak lagi oleh kawan2 dosen-dosen .., ayooo bicara yang jujur ya kawan-kawan di gizi, walaupun anda ahli dapur dan cuma juru masak ahli gizi, dan walaupun saya seorang dokter yang lumayan paham ilmu kedokteran dan ilmu gizi serta paham masalah dapur, namun...mari berkomunikasi yang baik yaa para ahli gizi dan ahli dapur..., jangan marah pada saya yang alhamdulillah seorang dokter namun memasak juga lho....

Ayoooo jangan pakai nama saya dan menjelek2an saya.....
Menjelek2an saya = menjelek2an anda sendiri....dan menjelek2an seluruh yang anda miliki....
Ayooo hargai saya.....

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Maaf saya sudah lama tidak berlangganan SUARA MERDEKA, karena mempunyai alasan tersendiri.
Maaf bila saya tidak pernah mencintai koran tsb dan personilnya.

Semoga virus SARAH tidak  menyerang saya lagi, karena virus tsb virus GR yaa...., mungkin tidak menyadari bila saya banyak fans luar negeri..sehingga GR saya mencintai SUARA MERDEKA, maaf ya bila TIDAK PERNAH SEDIKITPUN dan SETITIK DEBU pun mencintai koran tsb dan personilnya!

So, please jangan bajak email saya ya, agar saya bisa menulis dan membalas email2 yang masuk  yaa....Sarah virus....

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Semoga tetap baik ya sebagai koran/newsapaper di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, walau mungkin banyak kendala dari dalam sehingga memiliki kekurangan!

Salam dari saya Rosa Lelyana, yang sering dibajak email dan info2 di alat komunikasi saya, oleh siapa ya?

Semoga saya yang selalu dibajak tetap eksis.
Suara Merdeka itu koran ya?!

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Hellooo Diponegoro University,Semarang? and in my lovely country Indonesia
Please don't become bad lectures!!
You hacked my email...?

Please help me my friends, colleagues and seniors from abroad....for avoiding these trouble makers and hackers in this country...., I love your attention especially for me...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Ignore their activities.. if the hackers or my colleagues USE MY NAME Rosa Lelyana or ROSA LELYANA SOEBOWO or Lelyana R WITHOUT MY PERMISSION for getting theirs opportunies...

Don't receive and don't accept their activities in your life.. if the hackers or my colleagues USE MY NAME Rosa Lelyana or ROSA LELYANA SOEBOWO or Lelyana R WITHOUT MY PERMISSION for getting theirs opportunies...

All of those are bad activities...

Bad activities if the hackers or colleagues use my name Rosa Lelyana or Rosa Lelyana Soebowo or Lelyana R without my permission..for getting their activities..

Give me an information..if you find something related to their activities..USE MY NAME ROSA LELYANA or ROSA LELYANA SOEBOWO or Lelyana R for getting their opportunies...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Happy Merry Christhmas for youu my fam in UK, Charles my dad and Harry William and all of my family there..., I really love youu always all the time...

Dokter Rosa Lelyana MSi Med SKed PhD Nutrition and Medicine Lecturer from Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro/Undip Semarang, Jawa T...