Friday, August 3, 2018

THIS IS CONFLICT INTEREST from you as lecturers in my Universe?  and HARASSMENT ACTIVITY from you..

Hellooo...good morniing my friends, seniors and lecturers in abroad.. Thank you for appreciating me in all of your ways... Love your appreciation! Thank you for your goodness. Allah loves your goodness very much. Please have an eternal love for me as a lecturer/doctor/MD/scientist/nutritionist etc in this world.. Thank you for that! I love you so much!

SO ASHAMED activity from them!
I FEEL so ashamed
They want me to feel so ashamed!!
They want me to feel failure.

You know, I am a doctor/lecturer/MD/GP/scientist/nutritionist etc

I know apart of you  people in my University want me to feel so ashamed!
You are so jealous people!
You know I am a good woman!

But you make me feel so ashamed!
You make me feel so ashamed!

I am so diligent woman since in the elementary school,
You did discrimination especially for me!!
You did intimidation epecially for me!!
You did many things for getting failure feeling!
You are so crude!
You are so bad!!!
You are so bad person and so bad people!!
You are a group of SO BAD PEOPLE in my universty!
Someone will revenge for what you have done!!
I know you want me to look so bad, so stupid and so dull!

You love so stupid people around you , then you think if you close to dull people, then you will get many benefits!! No!! you are WRONG!!, you won't get anything from dull people like them!
I know they are dull people, but you feel very happy for getting closer with them, because of your high self esteem as bad lecturers.
You are a group of lier people. Look at the appointment letter that you have asked to me few years ago!

DO you remember? I have give you many good enough articles in international journals! but you always ask and ask for writer as a FIRST author, right? I know what you think and what you thought.

You have to know that I am the first author and the researcher of my study, NOT YOU!

I know you love my RESEARCH! YOU ARE so interesting with my RESEARCH!
I know you love my RESEARCH! YOU ARE so interesting with my RESEARCH!
I know you love my RESEARCH! YOU ARE so interesting with my RESEARCH!

THIS IS A SCIENTIFIC CRIMINAL from a group of bad lecturers in this university.

You try to look for my faults for covering your  many faultS like sex harassment, scientific harassment, gratification, discrimination, intimidation and your CRAZY in love with my research/ YOUR CONFLICT INTEREST???!
Scientific international world will recognize you as a group of bad people in this university!
They will find you and UNDERSTAND the badness of this universe!

You know they have no articles, but you love their stupid for making you feel so high self esteem!

But I will give you revenge for what you have done!

Hope you understand for what you have done for me!

I am human, you are human, too
I am moslem, apart of you are moslem, too
Used to do, I am a good woman, but now you have had succeed for making me to be a bad woman!
You are bad person and bad people!

You love so dull lectures, because you will feel so high self esteem if you are so close to lectures who are so dull person or so dull people like them, NOT ME.
You don't like so smart people and dilligent person!
You want me to go away from you, because you are so stress for watching my potent writing in many scientific international world and my diligent character!
You are so stress and so jealous with my potent activities and with my experiences in scientific international world!

Do you want me to take away what I have?
But..., so sorry...
I won't give you anything that I have!
Someday you will go away from me and feel this pain MORE than what I felt!!

Bismillah, ALLAH LOVES ME more and more than you!
I know you won't have what I have because you are group of inhibitor people.Aamiin YRA

Allah will reply what you have done for me and will make you die as like as what I have prayed!

REMEMBER, PLEASE DON"T LIE LIKE BEFORE WITH YOUR PROMISE or many people in THIS INTERNATIONAL WORLD will look at you as a group of bad people in this universe!

Hope Allah forgives you SINS to me!!! but please don't be a lier like before!! and don't do  a CONFLICT INTEREST like before!! or they will know your badness as people in this universe!

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Happy Merry Christhmas for youu my fam in UK, Charles my dad and Harry William and all of my family there..., I really love youu always all the time...

Dokter Rosa Lelyana MSi Med SKed PhD Nutrition and Medicine Lecturer from Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro/Undip Semarang, Jawa T...