Tuesday, July 3, 2018

DON'T BECOME HIJACKERS my friends, seniors and colleagues in my nice country!!
DON"T USE MY FILES ABOUT COFFEE, CAFEIN, and URIC ACID in my laptop that you have hijacked!
SABOTASE FILES! Those are my files about coffee, cafein and uric acid that you have hijacked it! Now you submit for your opportunities!

HATI2 dengan pembajak 4 buah laptop saya!

JANGAN TERIMA file2 tentang kopi, asam urat atau kafein selain dari pengirim saya Rosa Lelyana karena 4 laptop saya telah dibajak ! Hati2 dengan file2 bajakan tentang kopi, asam urat dan kafein karena besar kemungkinan terkait ide/pemikiran dan tulisan saya yang terdapat di file2 dari laptop yang dibajak oleh para pembajak dari negara saya.

Please love my country Indonesia and be a good lecturer
Avoid for being hijackers helloo friends and colleagues/seniors in my country!

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Happy Merry Christhmas for youu my fam in UK, Charles my dad and Harry William and all of my family there..., I really love youu always all the time...

Dokter Rosa Lelyana MSi Med SKed PhD Nutrition and Medicine Lecturer from Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro/Undip Semarang, Jawa T...