Anda bicara dan teriak2 '" AKU PENTING." AKU PENTING." AKU PENTING"
Bahasa dukun yaaaa seperti itu?
Bahasa dukun ?
Bismillah..., be a good person...!
Allah loves you for avoiding syirik!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Dokter Rosa Lelyana MSi Med SKed PhD or Rosa Lelyana Soebowo loves for reading /writing/ doing & paying attention to interesting things, listening and playing the music, etc She was born in Solo,Central Java, Indonesia in early June ***Researcher & Lecturer in University NOTE: all of photos in these Rosa Lelyana's blog are my private files!
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Please help me my friends and seniors in abroad.., in USA, in India, Chinese, in Dubai...,UAE, etc...
There are many hijackers in my electronic media...for communication...
Helloooo hijackers...
Don't hijack my email and my phone!!!
Please becareful...with hijackers that stole my emails in this day 29 July 2018!!!
Please becareful!!!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Please help me my friends and seniors in abroad.., in USA, in India, Chinese, in Dubai...,UAE, etc...
There are many hijackers in my electronic media...for communication...
Helloooo hijackers...
Don't hijack my email and my phone!!!
Please becareful...with hijackers that stole my emails in this day 29 July 2018!!!
Please becareful!!!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Hellooo Mr. KukSW and Mrs ETi RN and your friends in my institute place
Why you hijacked my email?
What's the matter with you...?
Do you want to steal my information and my files related to my duties and job as lecturer or researcher or scientist?
Hope you realize it and go away from your bad job !
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Hellooo Mr. KukSW and Mrs ETi RN and your friends in my institute place
Why you hijacked my email?
What's the matter with you...?
Do you want to steal my information and my files related to my duties and job as lecturer or researcher or scientist?
Hope you realize it and go away from your bad job !
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Don't use your magic for getting the benefit ..,hellooo !
Hellloooo..., women and men who always use magic...
That's sihr!
That's sin!
Those are women and men with low IQ!
You are feeelingless people!
Help them for avoiding their habit from magic!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Don't use your magic for getting the benefit ..,hellooo !
Hellloooo..., women and men who always use magic...
That's sihr!
That's sin!
Those are women and men with low IQ!
You are feeelingless people!
Help them for avoiding their habit from magic!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
High IQ
Genetic will influence your high IQ
Alhamdulillah if you have a high IQ genetic
Avoid people around you with low IQ!
Low IQ will make you have so stress feeling!
Please ...increase your IQ!
And come to me with your nice IQ..
We can joint together for everything...
I hope you will have a high IQ!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Genetic will influence your high IQ
Alhamdulillah if you have a high IQ genetic
Avoid people around you with low IQ!
Low IQ will make you have so stress feeling!
Please ...increase your IQ!
And come to me with your nice IQ..
We can joint together for everything...
I hope you will have a high IQ!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Hellooo please avoid your hoax story.... Love me for not making hoax story.... Love me for your goodness for avoiding gossip and HOAX storyyy!!
Newest pp
Newest pp
Profesor yang melakukan pelecehan sex bukan lah profesor yang belum pernah melakukan pelecehan sex karena sudah banyak kasak kusuk di lingkungan MD Faculty kami bahwa beliau memang beberapa kali melakukan pelecehan di tempat kerja dan saya juga melihat beliau pernah bertingkah yang menjurus ke pelecehan sex selain apa yang saya alami sendiri walau masih dapat dikategorikan pelecehan sex yang tidak terlalu berat.
Bila ada yang menjelek2an saya karena saya suka dibegitukan! Itu salah besar!
Saya sejak kecil memang mengalami pelecehan!Tapi bukan berarti suka pelecehan!
Jadi, pelecehan sex yang terjadi pada saya, walaupun (mungkin) tidak terlalu berat bukanlah kehendak/NIAT pribadi saya/ apalagi mungkin ada tuduhan/pikiran karena saya memulai duluan! Astaghfirullah bila ada tuduhan/pikiran semacam itu!!
Saya yakin banyak profesor2 perempuan yang mengalami hal tersebut, tapi hanya dipendam agar lekas jadi profesor atau pejabat! Ya mohon dimaklumi karena sebagai dosen, siapa yang tidak berkeinginan menjadi profesor? (bila pejabat, wallahualam bs)
Motif lain pelecehan sex adalah ( menurut pengalaman saya) membuat perempuan dokter tampak bodoh karena dokter itu sebagian besar pintar2 dan Alhamdulillah saya juga dipercaya sebagai banyak editor dan reviewer internasional di bidang saya, mungkin itu juga menjadi salah satu alasan implisit mengapa saya dibegitukan agar saya linglung dan bingung akibat pelecehan sex tersebut sehingga saya tidak berpotensi di bidang saya!
Selain itu, profesor2 tersebut/sebagian profesor takut disaingi oleh lulusan doktor baru apalagi bila (astaghfirullah, tidak berniat sombong!) doktor tersebut dipercaya alam SEMESTA internasional!
Mohon maaf bila ada kata2 kurang tepat.
Semoga menjadi pertimbangan bila ingin studi S3 di negeri ini, khususnya para wanita yang memiliki kepandaian karena bila anda cerdas, cerewet/criwis, lincah dan beride banyak dan bukan pengganggu karya ilmiah orang lain/bukan pengganggu kehidupan orang lain/ bukan plagiator/bukan pelakor/bukan penggoda laki-laki serta bukan orang yang hobi copy paste atau hobi menggosip, maka wanita tersebut kemungkinan ada kecenderungan untuk dijatuhkan dan diburuk2an dengan berbagai macam cara bahkan dibajak hp nya untuk mencari keburukan/ mengganggu komunikasi/networking, ya maklum orang2 bertipe tersebut memiliki kemungkinan sosialisi/networking juga! Ini bukan hoax, karena berdasar pengalaman saya pribadi dan hasil pengamatan saya,..., mohon maaf atas hal yang terlupakan tersebut !
Barokalloh dan semoga bermanfaat!
Your way is your way, but your way it could be my way if you are my love for my you for my way...and your way...
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Your way is your way, but your way it could be my way if you are my love for my you for my way...and your way...
Hellooo I am a doctor..., I am GP ~ General Practitioner / MD ~ Medical DOctor...
Helloooo...this is my healthy food for youuu... Because I only love for eating healthy food for avoiding you...from love saj..,not sajadah...saja? Really love me...? hmmm...thank you for your goodness and me, too... But you have to eat a healthy food with many nutrients..macro and micro..., YESSS! right!
Please eat this healthy food for your healthy body..
I cooked it for youuuuu....
I am a doctor with the field research of nutrition ..
And really love for healthy coffee...
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Helloooo...this is my healthy food for youuu... Because I only love for eating healthy food for avoiding you...from love saj..,not sajadah...saja? Really love me...? hmmm...thank you for your goodness and me, too... But you have to eat a healthy food with many nutrients..macro and micro..., YESSS! right!
Please eat this healthy food for your healthy body..
I cooked it for youuuuu....
IQ food
I am a doctor with the field research of nutrition ..
And really love for healthy coffee...
My recent pic s
I am Rosa L Soebowo
Friday, July 20, 2018
Barokalloh in your Jumuah
Say istighfar...
Say istighfar...
Say istighfar...
Don't say the badness...
Barokalloh you and this Jumuah and all of your days and Jumuah...
But it's okay if you want to say the badness...
Hmmmm....then don't forget to say istighfar for deleting your sins...
Sorry.., I am not ustadzah..
I am not the expert of my religion...
BUt please do the goodness for getting Allah's love...
Bismiilah.., have a barokalloh Jumuah...
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Barokalloh in your Jumuah
Say istighfar...
Say istighfar...
Say istighfar...
Don't say the badness...
Barokalloh you and this Jumuah and all of your days and Jumuah...
But it's okay if you want to say the badness...
Hmmmm....then don't forget to say istighfar for deleting your sins...
Sorry.., I am not ustadzah..
I am not the expert of my religion...
BUt please do the goodness for getting Allah's love...
Bismiilah.., have a barokalloh Jumuah...
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Don't be so proud with your self hellooo K<S.>..www auuuw....
Yes, I know you are so rich family..
You are number one, is that what you think about yourself?
You have many things, but one thing that you have to know..that you have never gotten me with your arrogant!
You won't get me forever!
Now, I am here with my abroad lovely dear........!!!! Iam sorry for your arrogant.
Thank you for your badness helloo Mr. Arrogant in my country.!
Hope Allah SWT will gives you the goodness for making your business have so lucky like before!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* ......******** be a nice person!
Don't be so proud with your self hellooo K<S.>..www auuuw....
Yes, I know you are so rich family..
You are number one, is that what you think about yourself?
You have many things, but one thing that you have to know..that you have never gotten me with your arrogant!
You won't get me forever!
Now, I am here with my abroad lovely dear........!!!! Iam sorry for your arrogant.
Thank you for your badness helloo Mr. Arrogant in my country.!
Hope Allah SWT will gives you the goodness for making your business have so lucky like before!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* ......******** be a nice person!
Friday, July 13, 2018
Hellooo... I love youuu so much..
Love you for loving friends, colleagues and all of my seniors in abroad..
I love youuu so much...
Hope we can meet in the nice future..
Love you for loving me..
Never forgetting your love for me..especially for bringing me to remove my sadness...because of what they have done for me..(people from my country...I don't know what are the reasons why they always hurt me in all of their ways)
Hope you can pick me up in your beautiful ways, one day..
Love you and love you...
Thank you for your love...
Happy Jumuah and happy FRiday..and also happy in all of our days..
InsyaAllah and barokalloh. Aamiin YRA
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Love you for loving friends, colleagues and all of my seniors in abroad..
I love youuu so much...
Hope we can meet in the nice future..
Love you for loving me..
Never forgetting your love for me..especially for bringing me to remove my sadness...because of what they have done for me..(people from my country...I don't know what are the reasons why they always hurt me in all of their ways)
Hope you can pick me up in your beautiful ways, one day..
Love you and love you...
Thank you for your love...
Happy Jumuah and happy FRiday..and also happy in all of our days..
InsyaAllah and barokalloh. Aamiin YRA
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Monday, July 9, 2018
KUSEDOT SEL mu dengan MAGIC darimu. Sadar kan? Makanya lepas magic di tubuh yang kau kirimkan ke siapapun itu!! Kau pengirim/pengguna sihir..wahai wanita2 bul-bul....
Please release bul-bul women...
Lupa ya?
Magic you.
SYirik = Magic = Jin = Api Neraka
1 tahun syirik = percuma sholatmu yang 40 tahun = tidak menghasilkan amalan! Percuma dan sia2 = Sama saja TIDAK SHOLAT kaaan bila 1 tahun kamu melakukan syirik /pakai magic.!!
Kamu sholat 5 waktu selama 1 tahun tapi melakukan syirik selama 1 tahun = Kamu TIDAK pernah sholat 5 waktu selama 40 tahun.!! Ingat 1 kali syirik = tidak pernah diterima sholat selama 40 hari.
Barokalloh.., dan maaf bila ada kata yang kurang tepat karena itu berdasar pemahaman saya, maaf saya juga bukan ahli agama/ ustadzah.
Semoga melepaskan diri anda semua dari keinginan berbuat syirik.
Allah is only one for me.
I don't know how many Allah that you have?
I am not your Allah!
Meniruku lewat magic = syirik!! karena sama dengan menghambaku!
Meniru Allah = BUKAN syirik!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Please release bul-bul women...
Lupa ya?
Magic you.
SYirik = Magic = Jin = Api Neraka
1 tahun syirik = percuma sholatmu yang 40 tahun = tidak menghasilkan amalan! Percuma dan sia2 = Sama saja TIDAK SHOLAT kaaan bila 1 tahun kamu melakukan syirik /pakai magic.!!
Kamu sholat 5 waktu selama 1 tahun tapi melakukan syirik selama 1 tahun = Kamu TIDAK pernah sholat 5 waktu selama 40 tahun.!! Ingat 1 kali syirik = tidak pernah diterima sholat selama 40 hari.
Barokalloh.., dan maaf bila ada kata yang kurang tepat karena itu berdasar pemahaman saya, maaf saya juga bukan ahli agama/ ustadzah.
Semoga melepaskan diri anda semua dari keinginan berbuat syirik.
Allah is only one for me.
I don't know how many Allah that you have?
I am not your Allah!
Meniruku lewat magic = syirik!! karena sama dengan menghambaku!
Meniru Allah = BUKAN syirik!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
SYIRIK 1 tahun = 40 tahun sholat TIDAK DITERIMA! 2 tahun syirik = 80 tahun sholat tidak diterima. 3 tahun syirik = 120 tahun sholat tidak diterima.
Perhitungan :
1 hari syirik = 40 hari sholat tidak diterima.
1tahun melakukan SYIRIK = 365 hari melakukan SYIRIK = 365 hari x 40 hari TIDAK DITERIMA SHOLAT = 14600 hari SHOLAT TIDAK DITERIMA = 40 TAHUN SHOLAT TIDAK DITERIMA.!!!!!! (Tolong hitung lagi bila mungkin saya salah menghitung!)
BILA Hitungan SAYA BENAR, berarti 1 tahun ANDA melakukan syirik = 40 tahun sholat ANDA tidak diterima. 2 tahun syirik = 80 tahun sholat TIDAK DITERIMA. 3 tahun syirik = 120 tahun sholat TIDAK DITERIMA!
Umurmu berapa saat ini wahai teman2, kolega dan senior serta2 rekan2ku lain di NEGARAku IndonesaTERCINTA?
Percuma kan ibadah RAMADHAN kalian tahun2 kemarin dan bertahun2? dan percuma HIDUP kalian? merasa sholat selama 40 tahun bakal diterima, padahal TIDAK! Syirik = dosa besar!
Syirik = magic = sihir = api = BAHAN BAKAR NERAKA!
Kembali ke jaman jahiliyah dimana banyak moslem tapi menggunakan sihir, syirik untuk mengetahui dan MELIHAT kondisi orang lain tanpa ijin atau MENGAMBIL UNTUNG.
Alhamdulillah bila banyak moslem yang pintar/cerdas, yang TIDAK SUKA menggunakan sihir!
Aneh bila moslem menggunakan sihir, mungkin terkait kepandaian yang harus diasah kembali agar tidak bodoh dan tidak kembali ke jaman jahiliyah.
Maaf bila ada yang kurang berkenan atau ada kata2/kalimat kurang tepat/salah, karena saya BUKAN AHLI AGAMA, BUKAN USTADZAH. Ini menurut pemahaman saya. Bismillah dan barokalloh.
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
SYIRIK 1 tahun = 40 tahun sholat TIDAK DITERIMA! 2 tahun syirik = 80 tahun sholat tidak diterima. 3 tahun syirik = 120 tahun sholat tidak diterima.
Perhitungan :
1 hari syirik = 40 hari sholat tidak diterima.
1tahun melakukan SYIRIK = 365 hari melakukan SYIRIK = 365 hari x 40 hari TIDAK DITERIMA SHOLAT = 14600 hari SHOLAT TIDAK DITERIMA = 40 TAHUN SHOLAT TIDAK DITERIMA.!!!!!! (Tolong hitung lagi bila mungkin saya salah menghitung!)
BILA Hitungan SAYA BENAR, berarti 1 tahun ANDA melakukan syirik = 40 tahun sholat ANDA tidak diterima. 2 tahun syirik = 80 tahun sholat TIDAK DITERIMA. 3 tahun syirik = 120 tahun sholat TIDAK DITERIMA!
Umurmu berapa saat ini wahai teman2, kolega dan senior serta2 rekan2ku lain di NEGARAku IndonesaTERCINTA?
Percuma kan ibadah RAMADHAN kalian tahun2 kemarin dan bertahun2? dan percuma HIDUP kalian? merasa sholat selama 40 tahun bakal diterima, padahal TIDAK! Syirik = dosa besar!
Syirik = magic = sihir = api = BAHAN BAKAR NERAKA!
Kembali ke jaman jahiliyah dimana banyak moslem tapi menggunakan sihir, syirik untuk mengetahui dan MELIHAT kondisi orang lain tanpa ijin atau MENGAMBIL UNTUNG.
Alhamdulillah bila banyak moslem yang pintar/cerdas, yang TIDAK SUKA menggunakan sihir!
Aneh bila moslem menggunakan sihir, mungkin terkait kepandaian yang harus diasah kembali agar tidak bodoh dan tidak kembali ke jaman jahiliyah.
Maaf bila ada yang kurang berkenan atau ada kata2/kalimat kurang tepat/salah, karena saya BUKAN AHLI AGAMA, BUKAN USTADZAH. Ini menurut pemahaman saya. Bismillah dan barokalloh.
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Thursday, July 5, 2018
How to manage yourself for being a good person as a lecturer/researcher/writer etc?
Please not to be a talkative person!
Not to be a fussy person to my daily activities!
Not to be a jealous person for my diligent character!
Not to be a copy paste person for my article/ my manuscript and my writing!
No to be a plagiat person for what I have done to be a good writer!
Don't love to gossip!
Don't look at me in all of your days by magic or by hijack or etc..! syirik activities!
Look at yourself and you will find who you are!!
Let's eat for your healthy body to be a good lecturer! Not to be a hijackers lecturers!!!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Please not to be a talkative person!
Not to be a fussy person to my daily activities!
Not to be a jealous person for my diligent character!
Not to be a copy paste person for my article/ my manuscript and my writing!
No to be a plagiat person for what I have done to be a good writer!
Don't love to gossip!
Don't look at me in all of your days by magic or by hijack or etc..! syirik activities!
Look at yourself and you will find who you are!!
Let's eat for your healthy body to be a good lecturer! Not to be a hijackers lecturers!!!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Be a good moslem!!!
Not to be a bad moslem!!!
Avoid yourself from moslem that love for the badness.
What kind of the badness?
If you love to drunk.
If you love to have a sex with your maid or daughter.
If you love to disturb a woman with many ways for having sexual satisfaction!
If you love to kill people or women around you because of your jealous character!
Please be a good moslem for Allah SWT!
I love you all of my friends from abroad...US, Chinese, India etc
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Not to be a bad moslem!!!
Avoid yourself from moslem that love for the badness.
What kind of the badness?
If you love to drunk.
If you love to have a sex with your maid or daughter.
If you love to disturb a woman with many ways for having sexual satisfaction!
If you love to kill people or women around you because of your jealous character!
Please be a good moslem for Allah SWT!
I love you all of my friends from abroad...US, Chinese, India etc
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
There are hijackers in my 4 turn off laptops!
Watch out if you receive files about coffee, uric acid, cafein etc! Don't receive files about coffee, uric acid, cafein etc except mine Rosa Lelyana.
Those are my files ==> hijackers hijacked it in my 4 turn off laptop!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Watch out if you receive files about coffee, uric acid, cafein etc! Don't receive files about coffee, uric acid, cafein etc except mine Rosa Lelyana.
Those are my files ==> hijackers hijacked it in my 4 turn off laptop!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
There are hijackers in my 4 turn off laptops!
Hellooo...nice morning my friends, seniors, colleagues in abroad! I love you for your honesty and your goodness! I love your attention and your goodness for not to be hijackers. Thank you so much for appreciating my articles> Helllooo hijackers in my country... Please...hhhh.... for avoiding yourself as hijackers! Don't use my files about coffee, uric acid and cafein etc that you hijacked it! Please be normal human! Don't become mental disorder men/women for disturbing me in all of my days!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
There are hijackers in my 4 turn off laptops!
Hellooo...nice morning my friends, seniors, colleagues in abroad! I love you for your honesty and your goodness! I love your attention and your goodness for not to be hijackers. Thank you so much for appreciating my articles> Helllooo hijackers in my country... Please...hhhh.... for avoiding yourself as hijackers! Don't use my files about coffee, uric acid and cafein etc that you hijacked it! Please be normal human! Don't become mental disorder men/women for disturbing me in all of my days!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
DON'T BECOME HIJACKERS my friends, seniors and colleagues in my nice country!!
DON"T USE MY FILES ABOUT COFFEE, CAFEIN, and URIC ACID in my laptop that you have hijacked!
SABOTASE FILES! Those are my files about coffee, cafein and uric acid that you have hijacked it! Now you submit for your opportunities!
HATI2 dengan pembajak 4 buah laptop saya!
JANGAN TERIMA file2 tentang kopi, asam urat atau kafein selain dari pengirim saya Rosa Lelyana karena 4 laptop saya telah dibajak ! Hati2 dengan file2 bajakan tentang kopi, asam urat dan kafein karena besar kemungkinan terkait ide/pemikiran dan tulisan saya yang terdapat di file2 dari laptop yang dibajak oleh para pembajak dari negara saya.
Please love my country Indonesia and be a good lecturer!
Avoid for being hijackers helloo friends and colleagues/seniors in my country!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
DON"T USE MY FILES ABOUT COFFEE, CAFEIN, and URIC ACID in my laptop that you have hijacked!
SABOTASE FILES! Those are my files about coffee, cafein and uric acid that you have hijacked it! Now you submit for your opportunities!
HATI2 dengan pembajak 4 buah laptop saya!
JANGAN TERIMA file2 tentang kopi, asam urat atau kafein selain dari pengirim saya Rosa Lelyana karena 4 laptop saya telah dibajak ! Hati2 dengan file2 bajakan tentang kopi, asam urat dan kafein karena besar kemungkinan terkait ide/pemikiran dan tulisan saya yang terdapat di file2 dari laptop yang dibajak oleh para pembajak dari negara saya.
Please love my country Indonesia and be a good lecturer!
Avoid for being hijackers helloo friends and colleagues/seniors in my country!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
HATI2 dengan pembajak 4 buah laptop saya!
JANGAN TERIMA file2 tentang kopi, asam urat atau kafein selain dari pengirim saya Rosa Lelyana karena 4 laptop saya telah dibajak ! Hati2 dengan file2 bajakan tentang kopi, asam urat dan kafein karena besar kemungkinan terkait ide/pemikiran dan tulisan saya yang terdapat di file2 dari laptop yang dibajak oleh para pembajak dari negara saya.
Please love my country Indonesia and be a good lecturer! Avoid for being hijackers!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
JANGAN TERIMA file2 tentang kopi, asam urat atau kafein selain dari pengirim saya Rosa Lelyana karena 4 laptop saya telah dibajak ! Hati2 dengan file2 bajakan tentang kopi, asam urat dan kafein karena besar kemungkinan terkait ide/pemikiran dan tulisan saya yang terdapat di file2 dari laptop yang dibajak oleh para pembajak dari negara saya.
Please love my country Indonesia and be a good lecturer! Avoid for being hijackers!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
WARNING if you read about coffee, caffein and uric acid in below information!!!!
Please watch out if you read information about coffee, cafein, uric acid in this journal information :
Journal Nutrition from MY COUNTRY! Not under review journal!!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
1. Pengaruh Kopi Terhadap Kadar Asam Urat Darah, Studi Eksperimental Pada Tikus Rattus Norwegicus Galur Wistar
WARNING if you read about coffee, caffein and uric acid in below information!!!!
Please watch out if you read information about coffee, cafein, uric acid in this journal information :
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
1. Pengaruh Kopi Terhadap Kadar Asam Urat Darah, Studi Eksperimental Pada Tikus Rattus Norwegicus Galur Wistar
R Lelyana
Thesis. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro
2. Underlying Mechanism of Coffee as Inhibitor Adipogenesis for Complementary Medicine Use in Obesity
R Lelyana
J Nanomed Nanotechnol 8: 425. doi: 10.4172/2157-7439.1000425
3.Effect of Coffee Daily Consumption on Uric Acid Level and Body Weight to Prevent Metabolic Syndrome.
R Lelyana
J Nanomed Nanotechnol 7 (5), 400 doi: 10.4172/2157-7439.1000400
R Lelyana
J Nanomed Nanotechnol 8: e146 doi: 10.4172/2157-7439.1000e146
Please watch out if you read information about coffee, cafein, uric acid in this journal information :
Journal of Nutrition from MY COUNTRY! Not under my review journal!!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Please don't hijack my google scholar! friends and colleguaes in my country..don't become hijackers!
Προφίλ - Google Scholar
Rosa Lelyana. Doctor,Lecturer and Researcher in Université de Diponegoro. Γίνεται αναφορά σε 60. Obesity Management Uric acid Coffee & Health Medicine ...
Google Scholar saya yang dibajak angkanya dan tidak sesuai dengan angka yang seharusnya, demikian pula penulisan sitasi yang kurang tepat serta banyak yang tidak menulis nama saya /plagiat karya ilmiah saya :
Rosa Lelyana - Google Scholar Citations
Rosa Lelyana. Doctor,Lecturer and Researcher ... A Martiani, R Lelyana. Skripsi S1 Prodi Gizi a.n ... P Riyanto, P Subchan, R Lelyana. Dermato-endocrinology 7 ...
You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 6/26/18
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数:18. Biomedik. 1 - 10. 帮助隐私权条款.*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
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... at Cited by 22. Biomedik · Rosa lelyana. Universitas Diponegoro. Verified email at Cited by 18. Biomedik. 1 - 10. HelpPrivacy Terms.
NOT MY GOOGLE SCHOLAR!!! (not Rosa Lelyana's Google Scholar!!!)
BUKAN info GOOGLE SCHOLAR dari Rosa Lelyana
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... at Cited by 22. Biomedik · Rosa lelyana. Universitas Diponegoro. Verified email at Cited by 18. Biomedik. 1 - 10. HelpPrivacy Terms.
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
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... at Cited by 22. Biomedik · Rosa lelyana. Universitas Diponegoro. Verified email at Cited by 18. Biomedik. 1 - 10. HelpPrivacy Terms.
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
NOT MY INSTAGRAM/BUKAN INSTAGRAM saya karena saya (Rosa Lelyana) tidak pernah meng upload
foto atau apapun lewat instagram.
classcive5 Instagram similar users - Piknu - Translate this page
Cindy rere rosalina · @vernanda1403 · Vernanda Ekaputri · @auliakurniaps · @ rosaksm_ · Rosa Lelyana · @muharfl · Muhammad Arieful · @wahyupujiastuti3*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
BUKAN INFORMASI dari saya Rosa Lelyana
Re: [indobackpacker] tanya: aturan bawa minuman ke pesawat
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Apr 7, 2008 - Dear mba Rosa , Klo pengalaman gw di singapore sih yah yang ... Rosa LelyanaRamadhini WWF Indonesia Off. +62 21 576 1070 Hp. +62 21 ...Rosa Lelyana merupakan lulusan dokter, namun BUKAN LULUSAN DOKTER Tahun 2007
--> Informasi yang KELIRU bila mengatakan saya baru saja lulus di tahun 2007, dan informasi ngawur atau FITNAH serta PELECEHAN dan PERBUATAN yang TIDAK MENYENANGKAN!! Mungkin ingin meniadakan diri saya dan karier saya!
Jadi :
Jadi :
Alhamdulillah, saya Rosa Lelyana memang kelihatan muda, namun saya bukan lulusan dokter tahun 2007
Daftar Lulusan Dokter Umum Tahun 2007%3Forder_by ...
28561, Dr.Rosa Lelyana, 47057, Universitas Diponegoro, Jawa Tengah, Kota Semarang. 28562, DIAN ARIANI WIRASTUTI, 74615, DKI Jakarta, Jakarta Timur.
BUKAN INSTAGRAM saya Rosa Lelyana S
Rosa Lelyana (@rosaksm_) instagram user videos and photos
Rosa Lelyana (@rosaksm_) Instagram photos and videos - check if the user has uploaded new photos or maybe naked photos.
GOOGLE SCHOLAR yang dibajak angkanya & milik saya Rosa Lelyana
Προφίλ - Google Scholar
Rosa Lelyana. Doctor,Lecturer and Researcher in Université de Diponegoro. Γίνεται αναφορά σε 60. Obesity Management Uric acid Coffee & Health Medicine ...
Google Scholar saya yang dibajak angkanya dan tidak sesuai dengan angka yang seharusnya, demikian pula penulisan sitasi yang kurang tepat serta banyak yang tidak menulis nama saya /plagiat karya ilmiah saya :
Rosa Lelyana - Google Scholar Citations
Rosa Lelyana. Doctor,Lecturer and Researcher ... A Martiani, R Lelyana. Skripsi S1 Prodi Gizi a.n ... P Riyanto, P Subchan, R Lelyana. Dermato-endocrinology 7 ...
You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 6/26/18
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Rosa lelyana. Universitas Diponegoro. 在 的电子邮件经过验证. 被引用次数:18. Biomedik. 1 - 10. 帮助隐私权条款.*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Time is Money, Sin, Syirik
Time is money,wasting time for watching me in all of your days...
Do you LOve me very much hellooo women and my country....or in my institution...?
Messy jobs because of my body and my face...?
You are womennn.... don't love me very much!Lesbi!!
Wauuuww...syirik ladies...
Mengagumi seseorang secara berlebihan adalah syirik yang tidak disengaja.
Kalian mengagumi saya ya?
Iya siih banyak sekali yang suka mengejar2 saya.
Kalau lelaki ya tidak apa2, tapi kalau perempuan...wadeuh ...masyaAllah, Astaghfirullah..
Are you men? If you really love me, it's okay..
But..,If you are are lesbi!! Sin!!
Cari kegiatan yang mampu membuat anda tidak terlalu mengagumi Rosa Lelyana
Sekali lagi kalau anda pria ..tidak apa2, tapi kalau wanita wadeuuhhh...amit2!!
Is it amazing? Am I so special? Do you know lesbi?
Helllo ladies..., hellooo women in my country and institution...why you love me so much?
What's wrong with my body and face?
Am I so beautiful? wooow...maybe yes..
Please avoid your mind from my body and face..
Thinking yourself...hellooo ladies..and women in my country/abroad...
Please go away from me!! from my life!
If you are really my friends, it's okay...
But, don't disturb my love...!! and all I have...
Please avoid sin from your life... I love your you for avoiding your badness! Remember : Time is money! Avoid thinking of me all your days helllooo ladies and women in my place... Please recognize me as your good friend, not your lover hellooo ladiess... I am normal woman! Thank you for your understanding.. Allah loves you...
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Time is money,wasting time for watching me in all of your days...
Do you LOve me very much hellooo women and my country....or in my institution...?
Messy jobs because of my body and my face...?
You are womennn.... don't love me very much!Lesbi!!
Wauuuww...syirik ladies...
Mengagumi seseorang secara berlebihan adalah syirik yang tidak disengaja.
Kalian mengagumi saya ya?
Iya siih banyak sekali yang suka mengejar2 saya.
Kalau lelaki ya tidak apa2, tapi kalau perempuan...wadeuh ...masyaAllah, Astaghfirullah..
Are you men? If you really love me, it's okay..
But..,If you are are lesbi!! Sin!!
Cari kegiatan yang mampu membuat anda tidak terlalu mengagumi Rosa Lelyana
Sekali lagi kalau anda pria ..tidak apa2, tapi kalau wanita wadeuuhhh...amit2!!
Is it amazing? Am I so special? Do you know lesbi?
Helllo ladies..., hellooo women in my country and institution...why you love me so much?
What's wrong with my body and face?
Am I so beautiful? wooow...maybe yes..
Please avoid your mind from my body and face..
Thinking yourself...hellooo ladies..and women in my country/abroad...
Please go away from me!! from my life!
If you are really my friends, it's okay...
But, don't disturb my love...!! and all I have...
Please avoid sin from your life... I love your you for avoiding your badness! Remember : Time is money! Avoid thinking of me all your days helllooo ladies and women in my place... Please recognize me as your good friend, not your lover hellooo ladiess... I am normal woman! Thank you for your understanding.. Allah loves you...
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
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Happy Merry Christhmas for youu my fam in UK, Charles my dad and Harry William and all of my family there..., I really love youu always all the time...
Dokter Rosa Lelyana MSi Med SKed PhD Nutrition and Medicine Lecturer from Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro/Undip Semarang, Jawa T...

Hiiii...ayo sharing your makalah...., ntar draftnya kukoreksi..., beberapa x , insyaAllah ntar termuat di journal internasional..., kontak ...
Beautiful days... I am thinking of u ...12 *Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*