Monday, October 21, 2019

WHY ALL OF INDONESIAN WANT TO HIDE MYSELF for meeting foreigners in my Diponegoro University and at home?
Maybe, was it really that I was kidnapped by Bror ??
I just so strange, why all of you are so difference with me?
You try to hide myself from my friends and colleagues in abroad...

So, what's going on?
Rosa Lelyana 2019 

Rosa Lelyana August 17th, 2019

Rosa Lelyana 2016-2017
Rosa Lelyana 2019

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ayooo menulis di journal internasional, yuuk agar pede menghadapi mahasiswa S1, S2 dan S3 dan tidak minder terhadap mahasiswa2 yang pinter2...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Be my Sponsor yuuk!!
 Apa siih untungnya mensponsorin saya? Ya insyaAllah untung..., karena nama produk kalian akan terkenal dan dikenal di luar negeri saat hari H pelaksanaan conference...dan hari2 selanjutnya...sehingga akhirnya produk kalian akan go internasional...
Caranya ya tinggal mejeng produk anda atau saya presentasikan sekalian atau anda...terserah...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****
DOKTER ATAU PROF ROSA LELYANA  (prof researcher for coffee, medicine and nutrition) merupakan ANTI DUKUN !!!
If you are plagiator, please don't be a big lier!!!
If you are so stupid person, please don't try to be a lecturer!!
If you don't have HIGH IQ 130, please don't be a plagiator!!!
If you couldn't write well, please don't say the UNTRUTH STORIES ABOUT THE OTHERS, please try to learn for writing with me, damn!!!

I am Rosa Lelyana, Allah loves me, so Iam an ANTI DUKUN person, an ANTI BROMOCORAH person!!!

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****
Ayoo menulis di journal internasional para bp ibu Profesor!! Saya bisa bantu agar termuat di journal internasional, kan malu2in, masak doktor atau profesor kok nggak punya tulisan yang termuat di journal internasional....

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****
Rosa Lelyana is only one person in this world, IT's ME!! No criminal with this original Rosa Lelyana!! The others Rosa Lelyana are FAKE ROSA LELYANA!!!
Some one who used Rosa Lelyana's name or FAKE ROSA LELYANA will die  ASAP!!! I am the original Rosa Lelyana and the others Rosa Lelyana are FAKE ROSA LELYANA!!! The truth Rosa Lelyana is me, a doctor/ Medical Doctor and Professional Researcher for Coffee, Medicine and Nutrition.!

These are the original Rosa Lelyana's photos!!!

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****

Friday, October 18, 2019

ROSA LELYANA is only ONE in this world!!
NO one has that name!
If you try  to be myself, so you are NOT ROSA LELYANA!! You are only FAKE Rosa Lelyana!!
These are my photos 2019.., I am Rosa Lelyana!!

I am a Medical DOctor!! and not an engineering!

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****

Ayuk yang mau sponsorin saya ke luar negeri siapa? kalau kalian mau sponsorin saya, kalian bisa menawarkan produk kalian baik jasa maupun non jasa ke luar negeri sehingga produk kalian akan go internasional...
Sponsorin saya tidak perlu mahal kok, paling pesawat sekitar 1,5 jutaan atau hotel atau registrasi sekitar 3-5 jutaan...
Setelah sponsorin saya, saya akan menwarkan produk2 anda berkali2 ke rekan2 saya di luar negeri...yang Alhamdulillah banyak sekali!!

Ini whatsaap saya : +62-815764-5736
Email saya:

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****

Foreigners are so seriously people and honesty people!!and not Indonesian!!
Foreigners are so lovely people!! and not Indonesian, only when you love them..
Foreigners are so nice looking for the time!! I mean TIME IS MONEY for foreigners!! and not with Indonesian!!
Foreigners are so discipline!! and not with Indonesian!!
Foreigners have loyalty character!! not Indonesian!!
Foreigners are not followers!!!! and not Indonesian!!
Foreigners are not plagiators like me doctor Rosa Lelyana!!! and not Indonesian!!

Becareful so many FAKE foreginers because of the hair coloring!!
But please .., you have to know that USED TO DO when I was a kid..., I have  original red yellow golden hair, but my fam in Indonesian has made my hair look so black by kemiri...
So, please becareful with FAKE FOREIGNERS...

Then, Indonesian will try to make you look so bad when they understand that you are a good Indonesian's characters and really like foreigners!!

I love you my friends/colleagues and  seniors in abroad..., please becareful with hackers. in my working area and around my working environment.., rechek them well their worst activity to be plagiators and hackers...from this country....

Thank you with so much for your love and this is my love..., from me Rosa Lelyana...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****
I am ROSA LELYANA still alive..

Jaman jahiliyah kah ini?
Jaman dimana ornag2 ingin membunuh para scientist seperti saya? karena saya rajin sholat atau rajin ke mesjid, makanya banyak yang tidak suka kepada saya... Karena mereka takut disaingi dengan kepandaian saya dan IQ saya yang 130 dan TPA saya yang rata2 skor 600 ke atas!!

TIDAK merasa beruntung yaaa... memiliki orang seperti saya? Lho uang saya itu banyak digunakan untuk memeriahkan Undip di kancah Internasional, kok malah uang saya dibawa .... mereka yang bukan empunya...

Bahkan ijazah S3 dan SK Guru Besar saya dibawa seniors/adm....dan gini2 saya sudah IV C lhooo...
Mungkin ada yang mengira saya kok meloncat begitu cepat? yaa karena mungkin ada yang mencuri berkas2 PAK saya di rumah, kemudian digunakan untuk kepentingan dirinya..., namun finally Prof Oki K menemukan bahwa saya dizalimi sehingga akhirnya hak saya diberikan saya namun belum saya terima dan ketika saya meminta Bp Menrist untuk menindaklanjuti PAK saya, maka alhamdulillah saya menjadi dan mendapatkan SK Guru Besar saya..., dengan golongan IV C...

Namun rupanya banyak pihak yang tidak terima dengan kondisi mukjizat saya karena Allah SWT ini, bahkan orang2 yang menggunakan ilmu keburukan untuk menjatuhkan sayapun tidak terima karena mereka TIDAK MEMAHAMI dan TIDAK MAU MENERIMA KENYATAAN akan potensi saya...yang walaupun saya TIDAK TERLALU BAIK tapi insyaAllah saya masih cukup baik....

Semoga disadarkan mereka2 agar tidak menzalimi saya terus menerus...karena selama ini sejak saya di Undip, sepertinya saya selalu berusaha untuk menyenangkan orang2 dan staf2 tersebut....

Semoga mampu menerima kenyataan bahwa saya  dokter Rosa Lelyana sudah doktor dan sudah Profesor serta bergolongan IV C bukan semata2 mukjizat, tapi memang itulah kenyataannya! Maka ayolah belajar menulis sederhana saja..., jangan malas...!!!
Kalian bisa membaca cara2 menulis di blog saya ini, tapi untuk lebih lanjut silakan kontak di 3rd floor ,Medicine and Nutrition lecturers,Building A, Medicine Faculty of Diponegoro University, Tembalang Campus, Prof Soedarto Street, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia..
WHatssapp :+62-815764-5736 (ONLY THIS PHONE NUMBER)

Alhamdulillah saya banyak dipercaya pihak internasional karena saya serius dan TIDAK main-main dalam berbagai hal..., namun tidak galak..., kata siapa saya galak??? itu issue saja!! agar kalian TIDAK PERNAH BERTEMU saya dan TIDAK PERNAH BISA MENIMBA ILMU dari saya...dan TIDAK PERNAH BISA SEPERTI SAYA....menjadi kepercayaan pihak internasional...

Oya, mohon jangan gunakan nama saya dan plagiat karya saya yaa... bila tidak saya koreksi tulisan anda yaaa...., karena itu pelecehan dan pelanggaran akademik serta bisa saya tuntut ...di PTN...

Mohon maaf dan Terima kasih perhatiannya...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****
ROSA LELYANA is only ONE in this world!!
NO one has that name!
If you try  to be myself, so you are NOT ROSA LELYANA!!
This is my photos 2019.., I am Rosa Lelyana!!
I am a Medical DOctor!! and not an engineering!

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****

Thursday, October 17, 2019

WATCH OUT!! Hackers!!

Hope you will give me an information for calling me, Rosa Lelyana or sending me sms/whatssapp in +62-815764-5736 
Thank you so much for your good information.

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****

Monday, October 7, 2019 ministry...
Please avoid many plagiators arround your life and our life...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****

Helloooo my king....
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah**** are so jealous with me....hey....bad girls!!!

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****
Hiii.. love...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah**** youu for missing me...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah**** youu....*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****
Let's drink coffee for your healthy thinking, mind, and soul!!
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****
Bismillah, please go away plagiators from my life and my articles!!! This country and abroad will catch you up !!

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****

Becareful with plagiator arround your life and working area!!

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****

Thank you for your love my colleagues and all of seniors and friends in abroad

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself* Loves Allah****

Happy Merry Christhmas for youu my fam in UK, Charles my dad and Harry William and all of my family there..., I really love youu always all the time...

Dokter Rosa Lelyana MSi Med SKed PhD Nutrition and Medicine Lecturer from Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro/Undip Semarang, Jawa T...