Monday, October 30, 2017

Fruits, vegetables and Fruits for your immune system

Vitamin C in your fruits

Grapes and oranges..
Sunny oranges
Oranges and grapes are colorful fruits...
Your immune system will boost after eating these fruits...
Lack of your smart brain if you will not eat these fruits...
Lack of your sunny skin if you will not eat eat these fruits...
These fruits are good and healthy...fruits for all of your...

You will look so younger than your age after eating these fruits..

Please your lovely days...

Nyammyy..., nyammy..., yummiii

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself**Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Utang budi dibayar budi
Utang kekuatan dibayar kekuatan
Utang uang dibayar uang
Utang harga diri dibayar harga diri

Utang roh baik dibayar roh baik

Semua dibayar sesuai tugas,kwajiban dan hak

Utang kegagalan dibayar kegagalan..

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Why yes ... lots of egoiss ...people....
Sometimes I wonder why many people find it difficult to understand the feelings of others ...
Selfishness plays an important role in their lives ...
So it is very difficult to understand other people who experience sexual harassment or harassment of scientific papers ...
But I am grateful if many overseas friends still appreciate my work ..
Sometimes the unfortunate precisely the friends / seniors in the country that is less / even often harass what we have ..., selfishness leads the life they live ..., less appreciation or even (sorry) take that is not his right by hijack file2 / laptop2 so my laptop2 suddenly dead ... or error ..., then do plagiarism both idea and paper ...
Astagfirullah may Allah remind you by the way ..
This is not blasphemy or sedition but the reality of my life ,,,

I am sometimes confused, how to remind those who are still junior or senior he is still doing a lot of harassment of scientific work in his own country ..
I do not know what to do ...
Sometimes I think I want to go from this country, Indonesia, to move to another country that is more appreciative of my work ...
Honestly yes .., without overseas friends / seni2 overseas, i will experience depression maybe even crazy ...
However, that is GOD, GOD is ALLAH ... never sleep and always understand His servant, so whatever my condition ALLAH always loves me so that appreciation from other countries is greatly raise myself ...

Without you guys / overseas friends / great seniors abroad, I'm nothing ... and definitely stressed or down for accepting the harsh reality of my own country ...

Alhamdulillah I always say because Allah gives wisdom in another way ..., the 
appreciation from abroad is very good ..., make me Alhamdulillah happy enough .. May you always be kind to me. thank you Thank you very much for your love .. I love you so much ... Never ending love in my life for all of you my friends and seniors from abroad .. GOD BLESS YOU .. ALLAH BLESS YOU ... BAROKALLOHU ...
*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Love this food...

Love yourself...
Love your tomatoes..
Love your orak arik telor...
Love your egg orak arik...
With tempeh and tofu and vegetables...
And also chilli...

This is my cooking...
I can cook for youuu..., but not everyday...
Because I am not always in the good mood...
Hehehe...please...this is me...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Hmmm...nganggo boso Jowo campuran wae yaa...

Soale lagi mangkell banget karo wong adoh...
Semakin hari tambah ndak genah/bikin stres kecuali koncoku sing bos asli, bos sebuah institut pendidikan...di negaranya..
ya namanya aja dia bos di dunia pendidikan luar sana, ya jelas...kata2nya masih terpelajar dan cukup mendidik, bagus2 banget.., lumayan lah buat knowledge...
Pernah sih kasiih yang ngerii tapi bukan jorok...
Seia sekata dengan dunianya, mirip lah, ya pernah ada nyleneh2 dikit, tapi gpp ya kan? manusiawi...

Kini aku tambah ngerti ( sori campur aduk Jowo, Indo, English ya biar ga bisa di translate oleh mereka wong adoh....hehe) sifat2 mereka...marakke judeg..tenan...
Kadang kalo nyenengin..., ya nyenengin atiii banget..,
Tapi kaloo pas keluar crazy nya..ya crazy tenan...
Jane org sini atau sono, samimawon iso gawe stres..

Memang siih.., mereka kalo keluar asiiknya..., ya asiik, nyenengin atii banget..tapi yen keluar crazynya.,, Ya Allah...tobat!!Astaghfirullah...

Tapi sama aja dengan cewe2 negeri ini yen koment amazing juga..lhooo, kelihatan yen seriiik bangeeettt...
Kuberitahu yaa..., orang yang seriikan berarti percuma sholatnya...
Sekaligus itu tanda yen sholatnya kurang khusyukk..

Ya seriik sedikit gpp, yen seriik akeh banget...ya ojooo lah...
Milo artis2 kae mesakke lhoo...yen dirimu suka bikin sirik...
yen aku...ya , ora tau kok koment atau urusin artis, InsyaAllah karena itu kan kehidupan mereka.., biarlah.., yang penting tidak godain kehidupanku..
Enak lhoooo jadi orang yang tidak nyinyirrr..., makanya alhamdulillah kathah ingkang mboten percy asline umurku..
Paling kamu yen ketemu aku , ya dijamin salah tebak..
hehehe...itu karena salah satunya tidak seriiikan kayak kalian yang seriikan...
Miloo ojo seriikkan yaa.., belajar untuk berkata..ya sudahlah.., biar...,soale seriikan bikin cepet tuwa..
Lho bener lhoo, ora sirikan.., mukanya gimana? jutek kan? Naah!!
Makanya jangan suka sirik...kayak kemarin yang kirim sms ke aku...
Lhhaa akhir 2017 kok menghadiahi orang dengan kata2 yang tidak berkualitas...

Atau belajarlah untuk cuma mbathin aja dalam hati, kok gitu yaa...
Kalau kamu bisa belajar untuk tidak ngurusin orang lain dan nyinyiran, InsyaAllah kamu bakal maju dan sukses dunia akhirat. Aamiin YRA
Kecuali bila kamu yang disakiti langsung lhooo..., atau dizalimi langsung kayak aku..., naah boleh comment.., itupun yang sesuai dan tidak ditambahi atau kalau bisa malah dikurangi...

Btw, kalau cowo', biasanya jarang ya nyinyir.., biasanya yang nyinyir itu..cewe..
Tapi ada juga lhoo...cowo yang nyinyir, biasanya karena dia bekerja atau berteman dengan cewe2..nyinyir....jadinya ketularan nyinyir...
Makanya sejak dulu temen2ku cowo juga banyak...tapi cowo yang nggak nyinyir..

Demikian pula konco2 luar sing adoh, yaaa jelas cowo' sing ngga nyinyir...!
Sampun yaa..., wes ora sebel karo konco2ku adoh sing nyebelin, ngangenin tapi njengkelin..., plus bermanfaat juga..jadi tambah ilmi/knowledge, InsyaAllah. Aamiin YRA

Sorry yen wonten kata2 kirang sae..
Nyuwun pangapunten kalepatan dalem..
Nyuwun ngapuro..sakatahe..

Monggo..., pareeenggg..
Bismillah, mugi tetep barokalloh..
Aamiin YRA

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Do you know this soup?
Do you know this lovely soup?
Lovely for your healthy body, mind and soul...
This is bayem soup..
So fresh and so delicious...
Bayem soup with boil shrimp and tomatos...
Hmmmm....let's try and you can make it by yourself...
So easy! 

This is my cooking...
I can cook whenever I am in the good mood...hehehe...
This bayem soup has many Fe.., micronutrient that we always need especially for mother/moms/our younger and older sister and all of women in the world for avoiding bleeding when give birth their babies...
Okay...thank youuuuuu....
Nice days and pray for our goodness.....
Please try this lovely soup..., ehemmm...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

WHY? & THANK Uu FOR YOUR LOVE...hiiii... friends/seniors from ABROAD...

Mengapa ya ...banyak orang egoiss...
Kadang saya berpikir mengapa banyak orang yang sulit memahami perasaan orang lain...
Keegoisan sangat memegang peranan penting dalam hidup mereka...
Sehingga sangat sulit memahami orang lain yang mengalami pelecehan2 baik sex atau pelecehan karya ilmiah ...
Namun saya berterima kasih bila teman2 di luar negeri masih banyak yang mengapresiasi karya saya..
Kadang yang disayangkan justru teman2/senior dalam negeri yang kurang/bahkan selalu melecehkan apa yang kita miliki..., keegoisan sangat memimpin kehidupan yang mereka jalani...,kurang apreasiasi atau bahkan (maaf) mengambil yang bukan hak nya dengan cara membajak file2/laptop2 saya sehingga laptop2 saya mati mendadak...atau error..., lalu melakukan plagiarism baik ide maupun makalah...
Astagfirullah semoga Allah mengingatkan kalian dengan caranya..
Ini bukan hujatan atau hasutan namun kenyataan hidup yang saya alami,,,

Saya kadang bingung, bagaimana caranya mengingatkan mereka2 yang masih yunior atau beliau2 yang senior namun banyak melakukan pelecehan karya ilmiah di negeri sendiri..
Saya tidak tahu apa yang harus saya lakukan...
Kadang saya berpikir ingin pergi dari negeri ini, negeri Indonesia, untuk berpindah ke negara lain yang lebih menghargai karya saya...
Jujur ya.., tanpa kawan2 luar negeri/senior2 luar negeri, saya akan mengalami depresi bahkan mungkin gila...
Namun, itulah ALLAH, ALLAH adalah ALLAH...tidak pernah tidur dan selalu memahami hambaNYA, sehingga apapun kondisi saya ALLAH selalu menyayangi saya sehingga apresiasi dari negara lain sangat membesarkan diri saya...

Tanpa kalian/kawan2 luar negeri/senior2 hebat di luar negeri, saya bukan apa2...dan pasti stres atau down karena menerima kenyataan pahit dari negeri sendiri...

Alhamdulillah saya selalu ucapkan karena Allah memberi hikmah dengan cara lain..., apresiasi dari luar negeri yang sangat bagus...,membuat saya Alhamdulillah cukup bahagia..
Semoga kalian selalu baik terhadap saya.
Terima kasih

Thank you very much for your love..
I love you so much...
Never ending love in my life for all of you my friends and seniors from abroad..


*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*
Have a goodness for yourself by pray
Have a nice love for your goodness by pray
Have a beautiful days for your bad days...
Avoid your badness in our days..

You are.. for your life
Your goodness for your lovely days...
Your badness for your bad days..

But avoid your badness...
Give what you have to give..
Avoid the right that not yours...

Someone who take your right will get sin from Allah..
Only pray and pray for getting your right..

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Yes, Alhamdulillah I am so smart or good looking..but please don't KILL me for your GOOD CAREER as A LECTURER in MY UNIVERSITY and MY COUNTRY...

Helllooo friends in my UNIVERSITY or senior in my UNIVERSIty, actually DO you need MY BRAIN ? but WHY YOU USE MAGIC for getting your brain look so smart as like as you want like my smart brain..
Yes, Alhamdulillah I have good enough brain BUT YOU HAVE TO KNOW that ALL of my SMART BRAIN AND my GOOD looking as WOMAN, BECAUSE of ALLAH SWT gives to me!! You have to say ALHAMDULILLAH for your brain and your body/face that ALLAH has gives to YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


SOOOOOOOOOO....PLEASEEEEEEE DON'T BEEEEEEEE SOOOOOO JEALOUSSSSSSSS with MEEEEEEEE........!!!!!!!!!! and don't use MAGIC or HIJACK my email, Handphone etc for getting your benefit as a good lecturer!

YOU HAVE TO ENTER to the PRISON or PRODEO HOTEL for your BADNESS because the police will CALL YOU TO enter that place for ALL of your badness!

Okay, Indonesia hope be a good country!

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*


You hijacked then regard my photo as YOUR NAME
and said anything about me!

Please...don't hijack my email...
Why you always hijack my email..?



EVERYTHING THE CONTENT  of my electronic mail, hanphones, notebook/laptop that YOU HAVE HIJACKED..

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Friday, October 13, 2017

How so nice you are...
How so lovely you are...

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Goodness and badness

Bismillah..,Will you meet me?
In the moodY of your mad?

Bismillah, When you have moodY face?
Please come to me in the meet ing...

Please your moodY face make me so mad in ...
PLease Please Please

MoodY meetIng in the mad condition..
Oh oh oh oh..your goodness..
When.., when.., your goodness..
DOn't, don't..don't..
Don't do the badness..
But yes...yes...,yes..
Do the badness is sin..sin..sin

Let's do it and see it...
This beautiful place..
With beautiful weather...

Please do your goodness..
Not badness...
LOve your goodness..
Not love your badness..

Pray for you good feeling..

*Be yourself *Be a positive thinking person*Love people = Love yourself*

Happy Merry Christhmas for youu my fam in UK, Charles my dad and Harry William and all of my family there..., I really love youu always all the time...

Dokter Rosa Lelyana MSi Med SKed PhD Nutrition and Medicine Lecturer from Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro/Undip Semarang, Jawa T...